pyspark.sql.utils.Исключение AnalysisException: Нет такой Ошибки элемента поля структуры При Выравнивании Кадров Данных PySpark

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#питон #apache-искра #пыспарк #apache-spark-sql


Предположим, у нас есть df фрейм данных PySpark со следующей схемой

 root  |-- a1: string (nullable = true)  |-- a2: string (nullable = true)  |-- arr1: array (nullable = true)  | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)  | | |-- dt1: date (nullable = true)  | | |-- dt2: date (nullable = true)  | | |-- dt_indicator: boolean (nullable = true)  

Также предположим, что у нас есть следующий метод выравнивания:

 import os from logging import Logger, getLogger from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import pandas as pd # type: ignore from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SparkSession # type: ignore from pyspark.sql.functions import PandasUDFType, pandas_udf, spark_partition_id # type: ignore from pyspark.sql.types import TimestampType # type: ignore if TYPE_CHECKING:  from awswrangler.session import Session logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__) MIN_NUMBER_OF_ROWS_TO_DISTRIBUTE: int = 1000 class Spark:  """Apache Spark Class."""  def __init__(self, session: "Session"):  """  Apache Spark Class Constructor.  Don't use it directly, call through a Session().  e.g. wr.redshift.your_method()  :param session: awswrangler.Session()  """  self._session: "Session" = session  self._procs_io_bound: int = 1"_procs_io_bound: {self._procs_io_bound}")   def read_csv(self, **args) -gt; DataFrame:  """  Read CSV.  :param args: All arguments supported by  :return: PySpark DataDataframe  """  spark: SparkSession = self._session.spark_session  return**args)   @staticmethod  def _extract_casts(dtypes: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -gt; Dict[str, str]:  casts: Dict[str, str] = {}  name: str  dtype: str  for name, dtype in dtypes:  if dtype in ["smallint", "int", "bigint"]:  casts[name] = "bigint"  elif dtype == "date":  casts[name] = "date"  logger.debug(f"casts: {casts}")  return casts   @staticmethod  def date2timestamp(dataframe: DataFrame) -gt; DataFrame:  """  Convert all Date columns to Timestamp.  :param dataframe: PySpark DataFrame  :return: New converted DataFrame  """  name: str  dtype: str  for name, dtype in dataframe.dtypes:  if dtype == "date":  dataframe = dataframe.withColumn(name, dataframe[name].cast(TimestampType()))  logger.warning(f"Casting column {name} from date to timestamp!")  return dataframe   def to_redshift(self,  dataframe: DataFrame,  path: str,  connection: Any,  schema: str,  table: str,  iam_role: str,  diststyle: str = "AUTO",  distkey: Optional[str] = None,  sortstyle: str = "COMPOUND",  sortkey: Optional[str] = None,  min_num_partitions: int = 200,  mode: str = "append",  varchar_default_length: int = 256,  varchar_lengths: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None) -gt; None:  """  Load Spark Dataframe as a Table on Amazon Redshift.  :param dataframe: Pandas Dataframe  :param path: S3 path to write temporary files (E.g. s3://BUCKET_NAME/ANY_NAME/)  :param connection: Glue connection name (str) OR a PEP 249 compatible connection (Can be generated with Redshift.generate_connection())  :param schema: The Redshift Schema for the table  :param table: The name of the desired Redshift table  :param iam_role: AWS IAM role with the related permissions  :param diststyle: Redshift distribution styles. Must be in ["AUTO", "EVEN", "ALL", "KEY"] (  :param distkey: Specifies a column name or positional number for the distribution key  :param sortstyle: Sorting can be "COMPOUND" or "INTERLEAVED" (  :param sortkey: List of columns to be sorted  :param min_num_partitions: Minimal number of partitions  :param mode: append or overwrite  :param varchar_default_length: The size that will be set for all VARCHAR columns not specified with varchar_lengths  :param varchar_lengths: Dict of VARCHAR length by columns. (e.g. {"col1": 10, "col5": 200})  :return: None  """  logger.debug(f"Minimum number of partitions : {min_num_partitions}")  if path[-1] != "/":  path  = "/"  self._session.s3.delete_objects(path=path, procs_io_bound=self._procs_io_bound)  spark: SparkSession = self._session.spark_session  casts: Dict[str, str] = Spark._extract_casts(dataframe.dtypes)  dataframe = Spark.date2timestamp(dataframe)  dataframe.cache()  num_rows: int = dataframe.count()"Number of rows: {num_rows}")   generated_conn: bool = False  if type(connection) == str:  logger.debug("Glue connection (str) provided.")  connection = self._session.glue.get_connection(name=connection)  generated_conn = True   try:  num_partitions: int  if num_rows lt; MIN_NUMBER_OF_ROWS_TO_DISTRIBUTE:  num_partitions = 1  else:  num_slices: int = self._session.redshift.get_number_of_slices(redshift_conn=connection)  logger.debug(f"Number of slices on Redshift: {num_slices}")  num_partitions = num_slices  while num_partitions lt; min_num_partitions:  num_partitions  = num_slices  logger.debug(f"Number of partitions calculated: {num_partitions}")  spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled", "true")  session_primitives = self._session.primitives  par_col_name: str = "aws_data_wrangler_internal_partition_id"   @pandas_udf(returnType="objects_paths string", functionType=PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)  def write(pandas_dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -gt; pd.DataFrame:  # Exporting ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT environment variable for  # a temporary workaround while waiting for Apache Arrow updates  #  os.environ["ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT"] = "1"   del pandas_dataframe[par_col_name]  paths: List[str] = session_primitives.session.pandas.to_parquet(dataframe=pandas_dataframe,  path=path,  preserve_index=False,  mode="append",  procs_cpu_bound=1,  procs_io_bound=1,  cast_columns=casts)  return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"objects_paths": paths})   df_objects_paths: DataFrame = dataframe.repartition(numPartitions=num_partitions) # type: ignore  df_objects_paths = df_objects_paths.withColumn(par_col_name, spark_partition_id()) # type: ignore  df_objects_paths = df_objects_paths.groupby(par_col_name).apply(write) # type: ignore   objects_paths: List[str] = list(df_objects_paths.toPandas()["objects_paths"])  dataframe.unpersist()  num_files_returned: int = len(objects_paths)  if num_files_returned != num_partitions:  raise MissingBatchDetected(f"{num_files_returned} files returned. {num_partitions} expected.")  logger.debug(f"List of objects returned: {objects_paths}")  logger.debug(f"Number of objects returned from UDF: {num_files_returned}")  manifest_path: str = f"{path}manifest.json"  self._session.redshift.write_load_manifest(manifest_path=manifest_path,  objects_paths=objects_paths,  procs_io_bound=self._procs_io_bound)  self._session.redshift.load_table(dataframe=dataframe,  dataframe_type="spark",  manifest_path=manifest_path,  schema_name=schema,  table_name=table,  redshift_conn=connection,  preserve_index=False,  num_files=num_partitions,  iam_role=iam_role,  diststyle=diststyle,  distkey=distkey,  sortstyle=sortstyle,  sortkey=sortkey,  mode=mode,  cast_columns=casts,  varchar_default_length=varchar_default_length,  varchar_lengths=varchar_lengths)  self._session.s3.delete_objects(path=path, procs_io_bound=self._procs_io_bound)  except Exception as ex:  connection.rollback()  if generated_conn is True:  connection.close()  raise ex  if generated_conn is True:  connection.close()   def create_glue_table(self,  database,  path,  dataframe,  file_format,  compression,  table=None,  serde=None,  sep=",",  partition_by=None,  load_partitions=True,  replace_if_exists=True,  description: Optional[str] = None,  parameters: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,  columns_comments: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None):  """  Create a Glue metadata table pointing for some dataset stored on AWS S3.  :param dataframe: PySpark Dataframe  :param file_format: File format (E.g. "parquet", "csv")  :param partition_by: Columns used for partitioning  :param path: AWS S3 path  :param compression: Compression (e.g. gzip, snappy, lzo, etc)  :param sep: Separator token for CSV formats (e.g. ",", ";", "|")  :param serde: Serializer/Deserializer (e.g. "OpenCSVSerDe", "LazySimpleSerDe")  :param database: Glue database name  :param table: Glue table name. If not passed, extracted from the path  :param load_partitions: Load partitions after the table creation  :param replace_if_exists: Drop table and recreates that if already exists  :param description: Table description  :param parameters: Key/value pairs to tag the table (Optional[Dict[str, str]])  :param columns_comments: Columns names and the related comments (Optional[Dict[str, str]])  :return: None  """  file_format = file_format.lower()  if file_format not in ["parquet", "csv"]:  raise UnsupportedFileFormat(file_format)  table = table if table else self._session.glue._parse_table_name(path)  table = table.lower().replace(".", "_")  logger.debug(f"table: {table}")  full_schema = dataframe.dtypes  if partition_by is None:  partition_by = []  schema = [x for x in full_schema if x[0] not in partition_by]  partitions_schema_tmp = {x[0]: x[1] for x in full_schema if x[0] in partition_by}  partitions_schema = [(x, partitions_schema_tmp[x]) for x in partition_by]  logger.debug(f"schema: {schema}")  logger.debug(f"partitions_schema: {partitions_schema}")  if replace_if_exists is not None:  self._session.glue.delete_table_if_exists(database=database, table=table)  extra_args = {}  if file_format == "csv":  extra_args["sep"] = sep  if serde is None:  serde = "OpenCSVSerDe"  extra_args["serde"] = serde  self._session.glue.create_table(database=database,  table=table,  schema=schema,  partition_cols_schema=partitions_schema,  path=path,  file_format=file_format,  compression=compression,  extra_args=extra_args,  description=description,  parameters=parameters,  columns_comments=columns_comments)  if load_partitions:  self._session.athena.repair_table(database=database, table=table)   @staticmethod  def _is_struct(dtype: str) -gt; bool:  return True if dtype.startswith("struct") else False   @staticmethod  def _is_array(dtype: str) -gt; bool:  return True if dtype.startswith("array") else False   @staticmethod  def _is_map(dtype: str) -gt; bool:  return True if dtype.startswith("map") else False   @staticmethod  def _is_array_or_map(dtype: str) -gt; bool:  return True if (dtype.startswith("array") or dtype.startswith("map")) else False   @staticmethod  def _parse_aux(path: str, aux: str) -gt; Tuple[str, str]:  path_child: str  dtype: str  if ":" in aux:  path_child, dtype = aux.split(sep=":", maxsplit=1)  else:  path_child = "element"  dtype = aux  return f"{path}.{path_child}", dtype   @staticmethod  def _flatten_struct_column(path: str, dtype: str) -gt; List[Tuple[str, str]]:  dtype = dtype[7:-1] # Cutting off "structlt;" and "gt;"  cols: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []  struct_acc: int = 0  path_child: str  dtype_child: str  aux: str = ""  for c, i in zip(dtype, range(len(dtype), 0, -1)): # Zipping a descendant ID for each letter  if ((c == ",") and (struct_acc == 0)) or (i == 1):  if i == 1:  aux  = c  path_child, dtype_child = Spark._parse_aux(path=path, aux=aux)  if Spark._is_struct(dtype=dtype_child):  cols  = Spark._flatten_struct_column(path=path_child, dtype=dtype_child) # Recursion  elif Spark._is_array(dtype=dtype):  cols.append((path, "array"))  else:  cols.append((path_child, dtype_child))  aux = ""  elif c == "lt;":  aux  = c  struct_acc  = 1  elif c == "gt;":  aux  = c  struct_acc -= 1  else:  aux  = c  return cols   @staticmethod  def _flatten_struct_dataframe(df: DataFrame,  explode_outer: bool = True,  explode_pos: bool = True) -gt; List[Tuple[str, str, str]]:  explode: str = "EXPLODE_OUTER" if explode_outer is True else "EXPLODE"  explode = f"POS{explode}" if explode_pos is True else explode  cols: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []  for path, dtype in df.dtypes:  if Spark._is_struct(dtype=dtype):  cols  = Spark._flatten_struct_column(path=path, dtype=dtype)  elif Spark._is_array(dtype=dtype):  cols.append((path, "array"))  elif Spark._is_map(dtype=dtype):  cols.append((path, "map"))  else:  cols.append((path, dtype))  cols_exprs: List[Tuple[str, str, str]] = []  expr: str  for path, dtype in cols:  path_under = path.replace('.', '_')  if Spark._is_array(dtype):  if explode_pos:  expr = f"{explode}({path}) AS ({path_under}_pos, {path_under})"  else:  expr = f"{explode}({path}) AS {path_under}"  elif Spark._is_map(dtype):  if explode_pos:  expr = f"{explode}({path}) AS ({path_under}_pos, {path_under}_key, {path_under}_value)"  else:  expr = f"{explode}({path}) AS ({path_under}_key, {path_under}_value)"  else:  expr = f"{path} AS {path.replace('.', '_')}"  cols_exprs.append((path, dtype, expr))  return cols_exprs   @staticmethod  def _build_name(name: str, expr: str) -gt; str:  suffix: str = expr[expr.find("(")   1:expr.find(")")]  #return f"{name}_{suffix}"  return f"{name}_{suffix}".replace(".", "_")   @staticmethod  def flatten(dataframe: DataFrame,  explode_outer: bool = True,  explode_pos: bool = True,  #name: str = "root") -gt; Dict[str, DataFrame]:  name: str = "root") -gt; Dict[str, DataFrame]:   """  Convert a complex nested DataFrame in one (or many) flat DataFrames.  If a columns is a struct it is flatten directly.  If a columns is an array or map, then child DataFrames are created in different granularities.  :param dataframe: Spark DataFrame  :param explode_outer: Should we preserve the null values on arrays?  :param explode_pos: Create columns with the index of the ex-array  :param name: The name of the root Dataframe  :return: A dictionary with the names as Keys and the DataFrames as Values  """  cols_exprs: List[Tuple[str, str, str]] = Spark._flatten_struct_dataframe(df=dataframe,  explode_outer=explode_outer,  explode_pos=explode_pos)  exprs_arr: List[str] = [x[2] for x in cols_exprs if Spark._is_array_or_map(x[1])]  exprs: List[str] = [x[2] for x in cols_exprs if not Spark._is_array_or_map(x[1])]  dfs: Dict[str, DataFrame] = {name: dataframe.selectExpr(exprs)}  exprs = [x[2] for x in cols_exprs if not Spark._is_array_or_map(x[1]) and not x[0].endswith("_pos")]  #exprs = [x[2] for x in cols_exprs if Spark._is_array_or_map(x[1]) or x[0].endswith("_pos")]   #for expr in cols_exprs:  exprs_all = []  for expr in exprs_arr:  #print(expr)  df_arr = dataframe.selectExpr(exprs   [expr])  name_new: str = Spark._build_name(name=name, expr=expr)  dfs_new = Spark.flatten(dataframe=df_arr,  explode_outer=explode_outer,  explode_pos=explode_pos,  name=name_new)  dfs = {**dfs, **dfs_new}  #exprs_arr = [x[2] for x in cols_exprs if not Spark._is_array_or_map(x[1])]  #exprs = [x[2] for x in cols_exprs if not Spark._is_array_or_map(x[1]) and not x[0].endswith("_pos")]  #print(len(exprs))  #cols_exprs = Spark._flatten_struct_dataframe(df=dataframe, explode_outer=explode_outer, explode_pos=explode_pos)  #exprs.append(name_new)    #dfs = {*dfs_new}  #dfs = {**dfs}  #print(df_arr)  #print(dfs_new)  #print(exprs)  return dfs  

Когда я запускаю метод выравнивания на df :

 flatten_dfs = Spark.flatten(df)   

Я получаю следующую ошибку:

 pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: No such struct field element in dt1, dt2, dt_indicator   

Я не уверен, почему я получаю эту ошибку, потому что этот метод успешно работал с другими вложенными кадрами данных PySpark. Предполагается, что он вернет словарь сглаженных кадров данных PySpark.

Ответ №1:

Причина arr1 -это объект массива, и то, что вы видите element , описывает схему элементов массива. Другими словами, element поле не существует и arr1 выглядит так:

 [  {  "dt1": ..,  "dt2": ..,  "dt_indicator": ..  },  .  .  . ]