У меня есть требование объединить 3-4 структуры данных в 1 в определенном формате. Я создал конвейер агрегации, но по какой-то причине он работает медленно.
страница чертежа
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Expected output:
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I have used following pipeline to build this structure:
db.getCollection('draft_pages').aggregate([ {$match: { "_id": 599 } }, { $lookup: { from: 'draft_sections', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'page_id', as: 'sections' } }, {$unwind: { path: "$sections", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } }, { $lookup: { from: "draft_section_content", let: { "id": "$sections._id" }, pipeline: [ { "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$id", "$section_id" ] }, "language_code": "en" } } ], as: "content" } }, {$unwind: { path: "$content", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } }, {$addFields: { "sections.elements_obj": { $arrayToObject: [ [ { "k": "$sections.identifier", "v": "$sections.elements" } ] ] } } }, {$lookup: { from: 'draft_section_settings', localField: 'sections._id', foreignField: 'section_id', as: 'sec_settings' } }, {$unwind: { path: "$sec_settings", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } }, {$addFields: { "sec_settings": { $arrayToObject: [ [ { "k": "$sec_settings.identifier", "v": "$sec_settings.settings" } ] ] } } }, {$group: { "_id": "$_id", "industry_id": { "$first": "$industry_id" }, "form_id": { "$first": "$form_id" }, "page_settings": { "$first": "$settings" }, "status": { "$first": "$status" }, "slug": { "$first": "$slug" }, "is_home_page": { "$first": "$is_home_page" }, "title": { "$first": "$title" }, "theme_slug": { "$first": "$theme_slug" }, "added_sections": { $addToSet: "$sections.identifier" }, "sections": { $mergeObjects: "$sections.elements_obj" }, "settings": { $mergeObjects: "$sec_settings" }, "content": { $mergeObjects: "$content.content" } } } ])
Как я могу облегчить этот конвейер с помощью существующей структуры данных ?