#mysql #node.js #reactjs #formidable
#mysql #node.js #reactjs #formidable
Я загружаю несколько изображений в базу данных(mysql) с помощью react js в качестве интерфейса и node js в качестве бэкенда, который я использую.
мой код переднего плана выглядит так
const [pName, setProductName] = useState('') const [pManuName, setManufacturerName] = useState('') const [pManuBrand, setManufacturerBrand] = useState('') const [selectedFiles, setselectedFiles] = useState([])
lt;Input id="productname" name="productname" type="text" className="form-control" required="required" onChange={(e)=gt;setProductName(e.target.value)} lt;Input id="manufacturername" name="manufacturername" type="text" className="form-control" required="required" onChange={(e)=gt;setManufacturerName(e.target.value)} /gt; lt;Input id="manufacturerbrand" name="manufacturerbrand" type="text" className="form-control" required="required" onChange={(e)=gt;setManufacturerBrand(e.target.value)} /gt; lt;Form encType="multipart/form-data"gt; lt;Dropzone onDrop={acceptedFiles =gt; { handleAcceptedFiles(acceptedFiles) }} gt; {({ getRootProps, getInputProps }) =gt; ( lt;div className="dropzone"gt; lt;div className="dz-message needsclick" {...getRootProps()} gt; lt;input {...getInputProps()} name="filetoupload" /gt; lt;div className="dz-message needsclick"gt; lt;div className="mb-3"gt; lt;i className="display-4 text-muted bx bxs-cloud-upload" /gt; lt;/divgt; lt;h4gt;Drop files here or click to upload.lt;/h4gt; lt;/divgt; lt;/divgt; lt;/divgt; )} lt;/Dropzonegt; lt;/formgt;
//Функция для обработки файлов
function handleAcceptedFiles(files) { files.map(file =gt; Object.assign(file, { preview: URL.createObjectURL(file), formattedSize: formatBytes(file.size) }) ) setselectedFiles(files) }
и моя функция создания продукта
const createProduct=()=gt; { var formD= new FormData() formD.append('productName',pName) formD.append('manufacturerName',pManuName) formD.append('manufacturerBrand',pManuBrand) formD.append('filetoupload',selectedFiles) axios.post(process.env.REACT_APP_DATABASEURL "api/create-product",formD).then((res)=gt;{ console.log("Product created") }) }
I am using formidable to parse form also I am inserting images into mysql by using last product created such that one product can have multiple images when i parse the form it shows undefined is I log «files» maybe it is due to my wrong way of parsing
here is my controller code
exports.store =async(req,res)=gt;{ Products.create({ productName:req.body.productName, manufacturerName:req.body.manufacturerName, manufacturerBrand:req.body.manufacturerBrand, price:req.body.price, category:req.body.category, features:req.body.features, productDescription:req.body.productDescription }).then((result)=gt;{ var form = new formidable.IncomingForm() form.parse(req,function(err,fields,files){ console.log(files.filetoupload) //undefined when using formData but doesnt even come here if I pass object in axios request instead of FormData files.filetoupload.map((row)=gt;{ var oldpath =row.filepath; console.log(oldpath) var newpath = '/images/products/' row.originalFilename; var fullpath = __dirname '/images/products/' row.originalFilename; ProductImages.create({ productId:result.id, imagePath:newpath, }) fs.rename(oldpath, fullpath, function (err) { if (err) throw err; res.write('File uploaded and moved!'); res.end(); }); }) }) }) }
I was trying to loop through each file to insert one by one into database and in upload folder but it isnt working
What i have tried Instead of using FormData I have also tried passing object but in that case code inside form.parse function isnt even reaching for example if i display something in console.log it isnt even displayed in this case
where I am wrong and how it can be achieved
When I place all fields under one form and dont use axios and just do a normal form submit like in html it works but how will i be able to do it with react setup i mean setting fields usign useState and doing axios request instead of using action attribute in form