Mocha, сервер памяти Supertest и Mongo, не может правильно настроить хуки

#node.js #testing #mongoose #mocha.js #supertest

#node.js #testing #mongoose #mocha.js #supertest


У меня есть Nodejs, экспресс-сервер, который использует Mongodb в качестве базы данных. Я пытаюсь написать несколько тестов, но не могу настроить их должным образом. Мне нужно создать соединение мангуста для каждого блока (файл .test.ts) один раз, а затем очистить базу данных для других тестов. В зависимости от того, как я подхожу к этому, я получаю два разных поведения. Но сначала моя настройка.


 import { suite, test, expect } from "../utils/index"; import expressLoader from "@/loaders/express"; import { Logger } from "winston"; import express from "express"; import request from "supertest"; import { UserAccountModel } from "@/models/UserAccount";  import setup from "../setup";  setup();  import { app } from "@/server"; let loggerMock: Logger;  describe("POST /api/user/account/", function () {  it("it should have status code 200 and create an user account", async function () {  //GIVEN  const userCreateRequest = {  email: "",  userId: "testUserId",  };   //WHEN  await request(app)  .post("/api/user/account/")  .send(userCreateRequest)  .expect(200);   //SHOULD  const cnt: number = await UserAccountModel.count();  expect(cnt).to.equal(1);  }); });  

И мой другой тест post.repository.test.ts

 import { suite, test, expect } from "../../utils/index"; import { PostModel } from "@/models/Posts/Post"; import PostRepository from "@/repositories/posts.repository"; import { PostType } from "@/interfaces/Posts"; import { Logger } from "winston";  @suite class PostRepositoryTests {  private loggerMock: Logger;  private SUT: PostRepository = new PostRepository({});  @test async "Should create two posts"() {  //GIVEN  const given = {  id: "jobId123",  };   //WHEN  await this.SUT.CreatePost(given);   //SHOULD  const cnt: number = await PostModel.count();  expect(cnt).to.equal(1);  } }  

И мой setup


 import { MongoMemoryServer } from "mongodb-memory-server"; import mongoose from "mongoose";  export = () =gt; {  let mongoServer: MongoMemoryServer;   before(function () {  console.log("Before");  return MongoMemoryServer.create().then(function (mServer) {  mongoServer = mServer;  const mongoUri = mongoServer.getUri();  return mongoose.connect(mongoUri);  });  });   after(function () {  console.log("After");  return mongoose.disconnect().then(function () {  return mongoServer.stop(true);  });  }); };  

With the above setup I get

 1) "before all" hook in "{root}":  MongooseError: Can't call `openUri()` on an active connection with different connection strings. Make sure you aren't calling `mongoose.connect()` multiple times. See:  

But if I don’t import the setup.ts and I rename it to setup.test.ts , then it works but the data isn’t cleared after each run so I actually have 10 new users created instead of 1. Every time I run it, it works and doesn’t clear the data after it’s finished.

Also I have a big issue where the tests hang and don’t seem to finish. I am guessing that is because of the async, await in the tests or because of the hooks hanging.

What I want to happen is:

  1. Each test should have it’s own setup, the mongo memory server should be clean every time.
  2. The tests should use async and await and not hang.
  3. Somehow export the setup from 1) as a utility function so that I can reuse it in my code