#reactjs #datagrid #material-ui
это функция, которая возвращает адрес из долготы и широты ,я получаю данные из базы данных с помощью axios, содержимое адресной ячейки-это не адрес, а значения долготы и широты
const getaddress = (lng, lat) =gt; { var latlng = new window.google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng) // This is making the Geocode request const geocoder = new window.google.maps.Geocoder() geocoder.geocode({ 'latLng': latlng }, (results, status) =gt; { // if (status !== window.google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { // } // This is checking to see if the Geoeode Status is OK before proceeding if (status === window.google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { console.log(results[3].formatted_address) return results[3].formatted_address } else { console.log('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' status) } }) }
async function getUsers (role, status, phone, nom, id, limit, offset) { var token = sessionStorage.getItem('token') // console.log(token) const dataT = await axios .get(server '/v2/profiles/?role=' role 'amp;status=' status 'amp;phone=' phone 'amp;name=' nom 'amp;id=' id 'amp;limit=' limit 'amp;offset=' offset, { headers: { Authorization: `Token ${token}` } }) .then((response) =gt; { if (response) { return response.data } }) .catch(() =gt; { // console.log(error); }) setData(dataT) } const columns = [ { field: 'avatar', width: 50, headerName: 'Avatar', renderCell: (params) =gt; (lt;Avatar src={params.value} /gt;) }, { field: 'id', width: 100, headerName: 'ID' }, { field: 'name', headerName: 'Nom', width: 200 }, { field: 'role', headerName: 'Rôle', width: 120, renderCell: (params) =gt; (lt;Badge color={params.value === 'Transporteur' ? 'primary' : 'info'}gt;{params.value}lt;/Badgegt;) }, { field: 'phone', headerName: 'Téléphone', width: 130 }, { field: 'address', headerName: 'Adresse', width: 200, renderCell: (params) =gt; { getaddress(params.value[0], params.value[1]) } }, { field: 'status', headerName: 'Status', width: 200, renderCell: (params) =gt; (lt;Badge color={getcolor(params.value)}gt;{getaccoutStatus(params.value)}lt;/Badgegt;) }, { field: 'training_scheduled', headerName: 'Formation prévue le ', width: 200, type: 'datetime', renderCell: (params) =gt; (params.value ? lt;Badge color='warning'gt;{params.value}lt;/Badgegt; : null) }, { field: 'trained_at', headerName: 'Formation efféctuée le', width: 200, type: 'datetime', renderCell: (params) =gt; (params.value ? lt;Badge color='success'gt;{params.value}lt;/Badgegt; : null) }, { field: 'RC', headerName: 'Regitsre Commerce', width: 180, renderCell: (params) =gt; (lt;Badge color={getColors(params.value)}gt;{params.value}lt;/Badgegt;) }, { field: 'PC', headerName: 'Permis de Conduire', width: 180, renderCell: (params) =gt; (lt;Badge color={getColors(params.value)}gt;{params.value}lt;/Badgegt;) }, { field: 'CJ', headerName: 'Casier Judiciaire', width: 180, renderCell: (params) =gt; (lt;Badge color={getColors(params.value)}gt;{params.value}lt;/Badgegt;) }, { field: 'CG', headerName: 'Carte Grise', width: 180, renderCell: (params) =gt; (lt;Badge color={getColors(params.value)}gt;{params.value}lt;/Badgegt;) }, { field: 'CT', headerName: 'Carte de Transport', width: 180, renderCell: (params) =gt; (lt;Badge color={getColors(params.value)}gt;{params.value}lt;/Badgegt;) }, { field: 'PI', headerName: 'Permis de Circulation', width: 180, renderCell: (params) =gt; (lt;Badge color={getColors(params.value)}gt;{params.value}lt;/Badgegt;) }, { field: 'rating_client', headerName: 'Rating Client', renderCell: (params) =gt; ( lt;Rating name='customized-empty' defaultValue={params.value} precision={0.5} emptyIcon={lt;StarBorderIcon /gt;} readOnly /gt;), width: 200 }, { field: 'rating_driver', headerName: 'Rating Driver', renderCell: (params) =gt; ( lt;Rating name='customized-empty' defaultValue={params.value} precision={0.5} emptyIcon={lt;StarBorderIcon /gt;} readOnly /gt;), width: 200 }, { field: 'email', headerName: 'Email', width: 250 }, { field: 'payment_method', headerName: 'Méthode de paiement', width: 150 }, { field: 'created_at', headerName: 'Créé le', width: 180 }, { field: 'available_from', headerName: 'Disponibe de', width: 150 }, { field: 'available_to', headerName: 'Disponible à', width: 150 }, { field: 'created_by', headerName: 'Créé par', width: 150 } ] const rows = (data || []).map((item) =gt; { return { avatar: item.picture, id: item.id, status: item.account_status, name: item.last_name ' ' item.first_name, rating_driver: item.driver_rating, rating_client: item.client_rating, email: item.email, phone: item.phone, role: item.is_driver === true ? 'Transporteur' : 'Client', trained_at: item.trained_at, training_scheduled: item.training_scheduled, address: [item.location_longitude, item.location_latitude], payment_method: item.payment_method === 1 ? 'Postpayé' : 'Prépayé', created_at: moment(item.created_at).format('YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm'), // is_active: item.is_active==true ? "Active": "Non Active", available_from: item.available_from, available_to: item.available_to, created_by: item.created_by, documents: item.documents, RC: getdoc(getdocument(item.documents), 1), PC: getdoc(getdocument(item.documents), 2), CJ: getdoc(getdocument(item.documents), 6), CG: getdoc(getdocument(item.documents), 7), CT: getdoc(getdocument(item.documents), 8), PI: getdoc(getdocument(item.documents), 9) // actions: item.id } })
я ничего не получаю в адресе столбца , я пытаюсь асинхронно и жду в функции getaddress, но у меня есть некоторые ошибки . реакция задержки возврата функции по сравнению с отображением сетки данных компонента