#python #python-3.x
def printLyrics(beer): print(str(beer) " bottles of beer on the wall, " str(beer) " bottles of beer") print("Take one down and pass it around " str(beer-1) " bottles of beer on the wall.") print() if beer == 2: print("2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer.") print("Take one down and pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall.") print() elif beer == 1: print("1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.") print("Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.") print()
Эта строка печатается каждый раз, когда бутылки на стене бегут, я не знаю, как это исправить.
ещё: печать(«Больше никаких бутылок пива на стене, больше никаких бутылок пива».) печать(«Сходи в магазин и купи еще, 99 бутылок пива на стене»). печать()
def main(): для пива в диапазоне(99,0,-1): printLyrics(пиво)
Ответ №1:
Первый набор отпечатков должен быть условным для пива gt; 2.
def printLyrics(beer): if beergt;2: print(str(beer) " bottles of beer on the wall, " str(beer) " bottles of beer") print("Take one down and pass it around " str(beer-1) " bottles of beer on the wall.") print() elif beer == 2: print("2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer.") print("Take one down and pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall.") print() else: print("1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.") print("Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.") print() for beer in range(99,0,-1): printLyrics(beer)
Ответ №2:
Я думал о том же, что и Ален.
def print_lyrics(beer): if beer == 2: print("2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer.") print("Take one down and pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall.") print() elif beer == 1: print("1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.") print("Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.") print() elif beer == 0: print("No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.") print("Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.") print() else: print(str(beer) " bottles of beer on the wall, " str(beer) " bottles of beer") print("Take one down and pass it around " str(beer-1) " bottles of beer on the wall.") print() for beer in range(99, -1, -1): print_lyrics(beer)