Мутация SpringBoot GraphQL

#spring-boot #graphql #mutation


Я новичок в GraphQL и пытаюсь реализовать функциональность CRUD с помощью SpringBoot и базы данных H2. Функция GET работает нормально, но при попытке выполнить ДОБАВЛЕНИЕ я сталкиваюсь с проблемами. Получение ошибки:

Схема не настроена для мутаций.


 schema {  query: Query }  type Query{  allBooks: [Book]  getBookByIsn(isn: Int): Book }  type Book {  isn: Int  title: String  author: String  publishedDate: String  publisher: Publisher! }  type Publisher {  pId : Int  publisherName: String  address: String }   type Mutation{  addPublisher(pId : Int, publisherName: String, address: String ) : Publisher }  

** Обслуживание **

 @Service public class BookService {   @Value("classpath:books.graphql")  private Resource resource;    private GraphQL graphQL;    @Autowired  private BookRepository bookRepository;     @Autowired  private PublisherRepository publisherRepository;    @Autowired  private DataFetcherAllBooks dataFetcherAllBooks;    @Autowired  private DataFetcherGetBookByIsn dataFetcherGetBookByIsn;    @PostConstruct  private void loadSchemaAtStartUp() throws IOException{  //load the data  loadData();  //schema  File schemaFile = resource.getFile();  //parse the schema  TypeDefinitionRegistry typeDefinitionRegistry = new SchemaParser().parse(schemaFile);  //Build the schema by RuntimeWiring  RuntimeWiring runtimeWiring = buildRunTimeWiring();  GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema = new SchemaGenerator().makeExecutableSchema(typeDefinitionRegistry, runtimeWiring);  graphQL = GraphQL.newGraphQL(graphQLSchema).build();    }   private RuntimeWiring buildRunTimeWiring() {  return RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring()  .type("Query", typewiring -gt;   typewiring  .dataFetcher("allBooks", dataFetcherAllBooks)  .dataFetcher("getBookByIsn", dataFetcherGetBookByIsn))  .build();  }   public GraphQL getGraphQL() {  return graphQL;  }    

This is the query used :

 mutation {  addPublisher(pid: 2001, publisherName: "Test Publishers", address: "New Jersey")   {  id  } }