#php #jquery #ajax #codeigniter #datatable
В настоящее время у меня есть таблица, в которой я пытаюсь показать все свои данные, полученные из моей модели. Ниже приведен мой код:
Класс контроллера(Contacts.php):
public function lists($type='') { $this-gt;load-gt;library('pagination'); $main['page_title']=$this-gt;config-gt;item('site_name').' - Contacts'; $main['records']=$this-gt;contacts_model-gt;get_records(); $main['jsArray'] = array('public/assets/plugins/datatables/jquery.dataTables.min.js', 'public/assets/plugins/datatables/dataTables.bootstrap.js', 'public/assets/plugins/datatables/dataTables.buttons.min.js', ,'public/assets/js/jQuery.dtplugin.js', 'public/assets/js/datatable.contacts.js'); $main['cssArray'] = array('public/assets/plugins/datatables/jquery.dataTables.min.css', 'public/assets/plugins/datatables/buttons.bootstrap.min.css'); $main['page'] = 'crm/contacts/index'; $this-gt;load-gt;view('crm/index',$main); } public function listsdt($type='1'){ if($type !='') { $cond['contact_type'] =$type; } $this -gt; load -gt; library('Datatable', array('model' =gt; 'contactsdatatable', 'rowIdCol' =gt; 'c.id','conds'=gt;$cond,'order'=gt;'added_date desc')); $jsonArray = $this -gt; datatable -gt; datatableJson(array( 'added_date' =gt; 'date' )); $this -gt; output -gt; set_header("Pragma: no-cache"); $this -gt; output -gt; set_header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache"); $this -gt; output -gt; set_content_type('application/json') -gt; set_output(json_encode($jsonArray)); }
Классы моделей:
lt;?php class Contactsdatatable extends CI_Model implements DatatableModel{ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } public function appendToSelectStr() { return array( 'refid' =gt; 'concat(c.refno, '|',c.id)', 'fnid' =gt; 'concat(c.firstname, ' ',c.lastname, '|',c.id)', 'contact_name' =gt; 'concat(c.firstname, ' ',c.lastname)', 'addedby' =gt; 'concat_ws("",users.display_name,import_source)', 'agent_name'=gt;'cu.display_name', 'contact_source'=gt;'source.title', 'contact_type' =gt; 'types.title' , 'added_by' =gt; 'users.display_name' ); } public function appendToGroupBy() { return "c.id"; } public function fromTableStr() { return 'crm_contacts as c'; } public function joinArray(){ return array( 'crm_clients_users as cu|left' =gt; 'cu.id = c.agents_id', 'crm_contacts_details as detail|left' =gt; 'detail.contacts_id = c.id and detail.contacttype = "personal"', 'crm_sources as source|left' =gt; 'source.id = c.contact_source and source.language = "'.$this-gt;session-gt;userdata('client_language').'"', 'crm_contact_types as types|left' =gt; 'types.id = c.contact_type and types.language = "'.$this-gt;session-gt;userdata('client_language').'"', 'crm_clients_users as users|left' =gt; 'c.added_by = users.id and users.clients_id = "'.$this-gt;session-gt;userdata('clientsessid').'"' ); } public function whereClauseArray(){ return array('c.delete_status'=gt;'N'); } } ?gt;
function get_records(){ $this-gt;db-gt;select("*"); $this-gt;db-gt;from("crm_contacts as con"); $this-gt;db-gt;where("con.status='Y'"); $query = $this-gt;db-gt;get(); return $query-gt;result(); }
View class:
lt;table id="datatable" class="table table-striped table-bordered dtcontacts"gt; lt;/tablegt; ... var ajax_base_url = 'lt;?php echo site_url('contacts/listsdt/'); ?gt;';
$(function() { datatable_contacts(); $( '#fkeyword' ).on( 'keyup change', function () { $('#datatable').DataTable() .column().search(this.value, true) .draw(); }); // for select box $('.search-input-select').on( 'change', function () { searchcoloms($(this),$(this).val());}); }); function searchcoloms(obj,value){ var i =obj.data('column'); var v =value; var table =$('.dtcontacts').dataTable(); table.api().columns(i).search(v).draw(); } function datatable_contacts(){ //wait till the page is fully loaded before loading table //dataTableSearch() is optional. It is a jQuery plugin that looks for input fields in the thead to bind to the table searching var dataTableLists = $(".dtcontacts").dataTable({ searching: true, paging: true, "lengthChange": false, "bInfo": true, columnDefs: [ { orderable: false, className: 'select-checkbox', targets: [9,10] } ], select: { style: 'os', selector: 'td:first-child' }, order: [[7, 'desc' ]], oLanguage: { sProcessing:false }, lengthMenu: [[ 25, 50, 100], [25, 50,100]],/*"dom": 'lt;"top"fgt;rtlt;"bottom"ilpgt;',*/ pagingType: "full_numbers", processing: true, serverSide: true, bFilter:true, ajax: { "url": ajax_base_url, "type": "POST" }, columns: [ { data: "$.refid", render: function ( data, type, row ) {var d = data.split("|"); if ( type === 'display' ) { return 'lt;a class="text-info" href="' site_url_view d[1] '"gt;' d[0] 'lt;/agt;' ; } return data; } }, {data: "$.fnid", render: function ( data, type, row ) {var d = data.split("|"); if ( type === 'display' ) { return 'lt;a class="text-info" href="' site_url_view d[1] '"gt;' d[0] 'lt;/agt;' ; } return data; } }, { data: "detail.mobile" , render: function ( data, type, row ) { if ( type === 'display' amp;amp; data) { return 'lt;a class="text-info" href="tel:' data '"gt;' data 'lt;/agt;' ; } return data; }}, { data: "detail.email", render: function ( data, type, row ) { if ( type === 'display' amp;amp; data) { return 'lt;a class="text-info" href="mailto:' data '"gt;' data 'lt;/agt;' ; } return data; } }, { data: "$.contact_source" }, { data: "$.contact_type" }, { data: "$.agent_name", render: function ( data, type, row ) { if ( type === 'display') { return 'lt;span class="' (data?'':'text-warning') '"gt;' (data?data:'Unassigned') 'lt;/spangt;' ; } return data; }}, { data: "added_date" }, { data: "$.addedby" } return data; }, className: "text-center"} ] }).dataTableSearch(1); }
При этом я все еще не могу отобразить свои данные в таблице. Я также не получаю ответ AJAX. Я должен получить listsdt/ на вкладке «Сеть», но я не получаю никакого ответа AJAX