#browser #linkedin
при входе на веб-сайт LinkedIn он не показывает никаких ошибок
Some resources are blocked because their origin is not listed in your site's Content Security Policy (CSP). Your site's CSP is allowlist-based, so resources must be listed in the allowlist in order to be accessed. A site's Content Security Policy is set either as via an HTTP header (recommended), or via a meta HTML tag. To fix this issue do one of the following: (Recommended) If you're using an allowlist for 'script-src', consider switching from an allowlist CSP to a strict CSP, because strict CSPs are more robust against XSS. See how to set a strict CSP. Or carefully check that all of the blocked resources are trustworthy; if they are, include their sources in the CSP of your site. ⚠️Never add a source you don't trust to your site's CSP. If you don't trust the source, consider hosting resources on your own site instead.