Не удается вернуть поток запросов из метода запроса пула

#asynchronous #rust #connection-pooling


Я пытаюсь создать пул соединений для tiberius ящика. Проблема в том , что при вызове query метода of tiberius::Client затем QueryStream заимствует изменяемую ссылку на tiberius::Client , а затем я не могу вернуться QueryStream из метода query of Pool .

Как я могу это исправить?

 type ClientMSSQL = tiberius::Clientlt;tokio_util::compat::Compatlt;tokio::net::TcpStreamgt;gt;;  struct MSSQLConnection {  client: Arclt;Mutexlt;ClientMSSQLgt;gt; }   impl Deref for MSSQLConnection {  type Target = Arclt;Mutexlt;ClientMSSQLgt;gt;;   fn deref(amp;self) -gt; amp;Self::Target {  self.client.borrow()  } }  impl DerefMut for MSSQLConnection {  fn deref_mut(amp;mut self) -gt; amp;mut Self::Target {  self.client.borrow_mut()  } }  type ArrayDequeuelt;Tgt; = Arclt;Mutexlt;VecDequelt;Tgt;gt;gt;;   #[derive(Clone)] struct Pool(Arclt;SharedPoolgt;);  struct SharedPool {  conns: Mutexlt;VecDequelt;MSSQLConnectiongt;gt;,  size: AtomicU32,  buff_size: usize,  config: ConnectionConfig }  struct DetachedConnectionlt;'agt; {  pool: Pool,  conn: MSSQLConnection,  stream: Optionlt;QueryStreamlt;'agt;gt; }  impllt;'agt; Deref for DetachedConnectionlt;'agt; {  type Target = QueryStreamlt;'agt;;   fn deref(amp;self) -gt; amp;Self::Target {  amp;self.stream.unwrap()  } }  impllt;'agt; DerefMut for DetachedConnectionlt;'agt; {  fn deref_mut(amp;mut self) -gt; amp;mut Self::Target {  amp;mut self.stream.unwrap()  } }  impl SharedPool {  async fn connect(amp;self) {  if self.size.load(Ordering::Acquire) lt; self.buff_size as u32 {  self.conns  .lock()  .await  .push_back({  let config: Config = (amp;self.config).into();  let tcp = TcpStream::connect(config.get_addr()).await.unwrap().compat_write();   MSSQLConnection { client: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Client::connect(config, tcp).await.unwrap())) }  });   self.size.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Acquire);  }  } }   impl Pool {  fn new(buffer: usize, config: ConnectionConfig) -gt; Self {  let shared = Arc::new(  SharedPool {  conns: Mutex::new(VecDeque::with_capacity(buffer)),  size: AtomicU32::new(0),  buff_size: buffer,  config  }  );   let shared_cloned = shared.clone();  tokio::task::spawn(async move {  loop {  shared_cloned.connect().await;  tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::new(0, 100)).await;  }  });   Pool(shared)  }   async fn query(amp;self, q: amp;str, p: amp;[amp;dyn ToSql]) -gt; Resultlt;DetachedConnectionlt;'_gt;, Stringgt; {  let mut conn = self.get_connection().await;  conn.stream = Some(conn.conn.lock().await.query(q, p).await.unwrap());   Ok(conn)  }   async fn get_connection(amp;self) -gt; DetachedConnectionlt;'_gt; {  loop {  if let Some(connection) = self.0.conns.lock().await.pop_back() {  self.0.size.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Acquire);  return DetachedConnection {  pool: self.clone(),  conn: connection,  stream: None  }  }  }  } }