#r #shiny
У меня есть фрейм данных, и я хочу построить таблицу с reactable
библиотекой. Если не сделать это в R Shiny, то я получил таблицу, однако в приложении R Shiny ничего не отображается.
Мой df и библиотеки
library(shiny) library(dplyr) library(reactable) df_orig lt;- structure(list(product = c("AUDI", "AUDI", "AUDI", "AUDI", "AUDI", "AUDI", "AUDI", "AUDI", "AUDI", "AUDI", "MB", "MB", "MB", "MB", "MB", "MB", "MB", "MB", "MB", "MB", "BMW", "BMW", "BMW", "BMW", "BMW", "BMW", "BMW", "BMW", "BMW", "BMW"), tradedate = structure(c(18918, 18919, 18917, 18918, 18918, 18919, 18919, 18918, 18917, 18919, 18919, 18919, 18920, 18919, 18918, 18919, 18919, 18919, 18918, 18918, 18917, 18917, 18918, 18919, 18918, 18917, 18919, 18918, 18918, 18919), class = "Date"), delivery = structure(c(19417, 19905, 18993, 18962, 19297, 19052, 19113, 19024, 18993, 19327, 19205, 19358, 19144, 19905, 19783, 19024, 19844, 19509, 19783, 18993, 19601, 19052, 18962, 18993, 19174, 19631, 19539, 19174, 19601, 19570), class = "Date"), ABSdiff = c(0, 0, 0.0000499999999999945, 0.0000300000000000022, 0, 0, 0.0000200000000000061, 0.0000299999999999745, NA, NA, 0.0000350000000000003, 0.0000299999999999745, NA, 0.00000200000000005751, 0.0000350000000000072, 0.0000260000000000815, 0.0000269999999999992, 0.0000499999999999945, 0.0000249999999999417, 0.0000429999999997932, 0.0000310000000000032, 0.0000329999999999497, 0.0000429999999999597, 0.0000150000000000983, 0.0000419999999999865, 0.0000390000000000112, 0.0000179999999999625, 0.000028000000000028, 0.000027999999999917, 0.00000499999999992173), diffpct = c(0, 0, 0.0000524548887956833, 0.000387096774193685, 0, 0, 0.000400000000000067, 0.000106913756236615, NA, NA, 0.00514705882352939, 0.0000741839762610219, NA, 0.00000320256204977554, 0.000062488841278352, 0.000014661102966107, 0.0000280228334198496, 0.0000756429652042367, 0.0000480676792924406, 0.0000177517235684377, 0.0000541958041958557, 0.0000263032042084888, 0.000147715561662487, 0.0000149745432764803, 0.000141271442986812, 0.000187140115163187, 0.0000344102466067753, 0.0000352956006555161, 0.0000438527799528909, 0.00000952562392830814)), row.names = c(NA, -30L), groups = structure(list( product = c("AUDI", "BMW", "MB"), .rows = structure(list( 1:10, 21:30, 11:20), ptype = integer(0), class = c("vctrs_list_of", "vctrs_vctr", "list"))), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), .drop = TRUE), class = c("grouped_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
- Код таблицы, которую я хочу получить
df lt;- subset(df_orig, tradedate == as.Date("2021-10-19")) dflt;- df %gt;% group_by(product,tradedate) %gt;% summarise( ABSdiff = round(max(ABSdiff, na.rm = TRUE),5), diffpct = round(max(diffpct, na.rm = TRUE)*100,3) ) col_groups lt;- as.character(unique(df$tradedate)) df lt;- dcast(setDT(df), product ~ tradedate, value.var = c("ABSdiff", "diffpct"), sum)#fun.aggregate = function(x) max(x)) #Create columns in two rows (1-dat,2-diffs) cols lt;- names(df)[!names(df) %in% c("product")] cols lt;- setNames(cols, cols) columns lt;- lapply(cols, function(x) colDef(name = if (grepl("^ABSdiff", x)) "ABSdiff" else "diffpct")) #already sorted by date #columns lt;- columns[order(as.Date(sub('.*_', '', names(columns))))] columnGroups lt;- lapply(col_groups, function(x) { cols lt;- unlist(cols[grepl(x, names(cols))]) colGroup(name = x, columns = unname(cols)) }) #to transform column names (date) for (i in 1:length(columnGroups)) { columnGroups[[i]]$name lt;- as.character(format(as.Date(columnGroups[[i]]$name, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), format = "%d.%h.%Y")) } #######Table with all data in detail part#### #show only cells with the values df[df == 0|df == Inf|df == -Inf] lt;- NA #Layer 1 reactable( df, columns = columns, columnGroups = columnGroups)
- Code of a table I want to get in R Shiny
ui lt;- fluidPage( # Application title titlePanel("Day-ahead prices"), # Sidebar with slider input to select date range sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( # Add a Slider Input to select date range #sliderInput dateRangeInput("Date_range_selector", "Select Date Range", start = as.Date(Sys.Date()-14,"%Y-%m-%d"), end = as.Date(Sys.Date(),"%Y-%m-%d"), min = as.Date("2015-01-01","%Y-%m-%d"), max = as.Date("2021-12-01","%Y-%m-%d"), #value=c(as.Date(Sys.Date()-14),as.Date(Sys.Date())), #format ="%Y-%m-%d" ), radioButtons("dist", "Data:", c("The most recent" = "most_recent", "Historical" = "historical")) ), # plot graphs mainPanel(tabsetPanel( tabPanel("Plot", h3(helpText("Prices")), plotOutput("plot"), h3(helpText("Descr.statistics")), verbatimTextOutput("Descr.stat.price")) , tabPanel("Stat", h3(helpText("Production")), plotOutput("plotconsprod"), h3(helpText("Descr.statistics")), verbatimTextOutput("Descr.stat.consprod")) ) ) )) server lt;- function(input, output, session) { #####TAKE DATASET FOR TABLES RECENT VS HISTORICAL dflt;-reactive({ if (input$dist == "most_recent"){ df_orig %gt;% filter(tradedate == as.Date("2021-10-19"))#amp; between(as.Date(Date), input$Date_range_selector[1], input$Date_range_selector[2])) }else{ df_orig %gt;% filter(tradedate lt; as.Date("2021-10-19"))#amp; between(as.Date(Date), input$Date_range_selector[1], input$Date_range_selector[2])) } }) #####TAKE DATASET FOR TABLES RECENT VS HISTORICAL #select max values and transform df dflt;- reactive(df() %gt;% group_by(product,tradedate) %gt;% summarise( ABSdiff = round(max(ABSdiff, na.rm = TRUE),5), diffpct = round(max(diffpct, na.rm = TRUE)*100,3) )) col_groups lt;- reactive(as.character(unique(df()$tradedate))) df lt;- reactive(dcast(setDT(df()), product ~ tradedate, value.var = c("ABSdiff", "diffpct"), sum)) #fun.aggregate = function(x) max(x)) #Create columns in two rows (1-dat,2-diffs) cols lt;- reactive(names(df())[!names(df()) %in% c("product")]) cols lt;- reactive(setNames(cols, cols)) columns lt;- reactive(lapply(cols, function(x) colDef(name = if (grepl("^ABSdiff", x)) "ABSdiff" else "diffpct"))) #already sorted by date #columns lt;- columns[order(as.Date(sub('.*_', '', names(columns))))] columnGroups lt;- reactive(lapply(col_groups, function(x) { cols lt;- unlist(cols[grepl(x, names(cols))]) colGroup(name = x, columns = unname(cols)) })) #to transform column names (date) columnGroups lt;- reactive( for (i in 1:length(columnGroups())) { columnGroups()[[i]]$name lt;- as.character(format(as.Date(columnGroups()[[i]]$name, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), format = "%d.%h.%Y")) } ) output$table lt;- renderReactable({ reactable( df(),# columns = columns(),columnGroups = columnGroups() #defaultColDef = colDef(minWidth = 222,vAlign = "center"), #defaultColDef = colDef(vAlign = "center", headerVAlign = "bottom"), # Set a maximum width on the table: #style = list(maxWidth = 650), # Or a fixed width: #width = 650, ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
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