модуль «http.client» не имеет атрибута «HTTPSConnection», когда я запускаю его в VSCode

#python-3.x #https


Я пытаюсь выполнить лабораторное упражнение по текстовой аналитике AI-102-AIEngineer, Microsoft, используя Python в VSCode. Но я получаю ошибку

модуль ‘http.client’ не имеет атрибута ‘HTTPSConnection’

когда я запускаю код из своего редактора VSCode. Я правильно настроил свой ключ и конечную точку. Код находится здесь:

 from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
import http.client, base64, json, urllib
from urllib import request, parse, error

def main():
    global cog_endpoint
    global cog_key

        # Get Configuration Settings
        cog_endpoint = os.getenv('COG_SERVICE_ENDPOINT')
        cog_key = os.getenv('COG_SERVICE_KEY')

        # Get user input (until they enter "quit")
        userText =''
        while userText.lower() != 'quit':
            userText = input('Enter some text ("quit" to stop)n')
            if userText.lower() != 'quit':

    except Exception as ex:

def GetLanguage(text):
        # Construct the JSON request body (a collection of documents, each with an ID and text)
        jsonBody = {
                {"id": 1,
                 "text": text}

        # Let's take a look at the JSON we'll send to the service
        print(json.dumps(jsonBody, indent=2))

        # Make an HTTP request to the REST interface
        uri = cog_endpoint.rstrip('/').replace('https://', '')
        conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(uri)

        # Add the authentication key to the request header
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': cog_key

        # Use the Text Analytics language API
        conn.request("POST", "/text/analytics/v3.0/languages?", str(jsonBody).encode('utf-8'), headers)

        # Send the request
        response = conn.getresponse()
        data = response.read().decode("UTF-8")

        # If the call was successful, get the response
        if response.status == 200:

            # Display the JSON response in full (just so we can see it)
            results = json.loads(data)
            print(json.dumps(results, indent=2))

            # Extract the detected language name for each document
            for document in results["documents"]:
                print("nLanguage:", document["detectedLanguage"]["name"])

            # Something went wrong, write the whole response


    except Exception as ex:

if __name__ == "__main__":

введите описание изображения здесь