Приложение Visual Studio завершило работу с кодом -1 (0xffffffff), приложение не отвечает подключение центра интернета вещей Azure

#node.js #json #azure #iot


Мое приложение Windows Forms запускается после обычной отладки, но когда я нажимаю кнопку «Пуск», оно не отвечает, а когда я прекращаю отладку, в журнале вывода указывается, что оно завершилось с кодом -1 (0xffffffff). Я использую Visual Studio 2017 Community v. 15.7.14. и .NET framework 4.7.03056. Может ли кто-нибудь найти ошибку или другую причину, по которой она не работает?

     "use strict";
const chalk = require('chalk');

// Use the Azure IoT device SDK for devices that connect to Azure IoT Central. 
var iotHubTransport = require('azure-iot-device-mqtt').Mqtt;
var Client = require('azure-iot-device').Client;
var Message = require('azure-iot-device').Message;
var ProvisioningTransport = require('azure-iot-provisioning-device-mqtt').Mqtt;
var SymmetricKeySecurityClient = require('azure-iot-security-symmetric-key').SymmetricKeySecurityClient;
var ProvisioningDeviceClient = require('azure-iot-provisioning-device').ProvisioningDeviceClient;
var provisioningHost = 'global.azure-devices-provisioning.net';

// Enter your Azure IoT keys.
var idScope = '0ne003B0EE0';
var registrationId = 'TemperatureSensor1';
var symmetricKey = 'ZaVPZ03/ 41MYAQVNpnZfK4hNKC 9q7OIB2bFYrC0T4=';
var provisioningSecurityClient = new SymmetricKeySecurityClient(registrationId, symmetricKey);
var provisioningClient = ProvisioningDeviceClient.create(provisioningHost, idScope, new ProvisioningTransport(), provisioningSecurityClient);
var hubClient;

var SensorIdentification = "Sensor number 1";

//var rest = require("azure-maps-rest");

function greenMessage(text) {
    console.log(chalk.green(text)   "n");
function redMessage(text) {
    console.log(chalk.red(text)   "n");

// Truck globals initialized to the starting state of the truck. 
// Enums, frozen name:value pairs. 
//var stateEnum = Object.freeze({ "ready": "ready", "enroute": "enroute", "delivering": "delivering", "returning": "returning", "loading": "loading", "dumping": "dumping" });
//var contentsEnum = Object.freeze({ "full": "full", "melting": "melting", "empty": "empty" });
//var fanEnum = Object.freeze({ "on": "on", "off": "off", "failed": "failed" });
//const deliverTime = 600; // Time to complete delivery, in seconds. 
//const loadingTime = 800; // Time to load contents. 
//const dumpingTime = 400; // Time to dump melted contents. 

var timeOnCurrentTask = 0; // Time on current task, in seconds. 
var interval = 60; // Time interval in seconds. 
var tooWarmPeriod = 0; // Time that contents are too warm, in seconds. 
var temp = -2; // Current temperature of contents, in degrees C. 

var contents = contentsEnum.full; // Truck contents state. 
var state = stateEnum.ready; // Truck is full and ready to go! 
var TemperatureControl = -5; // Setting - can be changed by the operator from IoT Central.

const noEvent = "none";
var eventText = noEvent; // Text to send to the IoT operator. 

var path = []; // Latitude and longitude steps for the route. 
var timeOnPath = []; // Time in seconds for each section of the route. 
var truckOnSection; // The current path section the truck is on. 
var truckSectionsCompletedTime; // The time the truck has spent on previous completed sections.

function dieRoll() {
    return Math.random();

function UpdateSensor() {
        temp  = -2.9   dieRoll();

function sendSensorTelemetry() {

    // Simulate the Sensor. 

    // Create the telemetry data JSON package. 
    var data = JSON.stringify(
            // Format: 
            // Name from IoT Central app ":" variable name from NodeJS app. 
            ContentsTemperature: temp.toFixed(2),

    // Add the eventText event string, if there is one. 
    if (eventText != noEvent) {
        data  = JSON.stringify(
                Event: eventText,
        eventText = noEvent;

    // Create the message by using the preceding defined data. 
    var message = new Message(data);
    console.log("Message: "   data);

    // Send the message. 
    hubClient.sendEvent(message, function (errorMessage) {
        // Error 
        if (errorMessage) {
            redMessage("Failed to send message to Azure IoT Central: ${err.toString()}");
        } else {
            greenMessage("Telemetry sent");

// Send device twin reported properties. 
function sendDeviceProperties(twin, properties) {
    twin.properties.reported.update(properties, (err) => greenMessage(`Sent device properties: ${JSON.stringify(properties)}; `  
        (err ? `error: ${err.toString()}` : `status: success`)));

// Add any writeable properties your device supports. Map them to a function that's called when the writeable property 
// is updated in the IoT Central application. 
var writeableProperties = {
    'TemperatureControl': (newValue, callback) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            TemperatureControl = newValue;
            callback(newValue, 'completed', 200);
        }, 1000);

// Handle writeable property updates that come from IoT Central via the device twin. 
function handleWriteablePropertyUpdates(twin) {
    twin.on('properties.desired', function (desiredChange) {
        for (let setting in desiredChange) {
            if (writeableProperties[setting]) {
                greenMessage(`Received setting: ${setting}: ${desiredChange[setting]}`);
                writeableProperties[setting](desiredChange[setting], (newValue, status, code) => {
                    var patch = {
                        [setting]: {
                            value: newValue,
                            ad: status,
                            ac: code,
                            av: desiredChange.$version
                    sendDeviceProperties(twin, patch);

// Handle device connection to Azure IoT Central. 
var connectCallback = (err) => {
    if (err) {
        redMessage(`Device could not connect to Azure IoT Central: ${err.toString()}`);
    } else {
        greenMessage('Device successfully connected to Azure IoT Central');

        // Send telemetry to Azure IoT Central every 5 seconds. 
        setInterval(sendSensorTelemetry, 3000);

        // Get device twin from Azure IoT Central. 
        hubClient.getTwin((err, twin) => {
            if (err) {
                redMessage(`Error getting device twin: ${err.toString()}`);
            } else {

                // Send device properties once on device start up. 
                var properties =
                    // Format: 
                    // <Property Name in Azure IoT Central> ":" <value in Node.js app> 
                    TruckID: SensorIdentification,
                sendDeviceProperties(twin, properties);


// Start the device (register and connect to Azure IoT Central). 
provisioningClient.register((err, result) => {
    if (err) {
        redMessage('Error registering device: '   err);
    } else {
        greenMessage('Registration succeeded');
        console.log('Assigned hub='   result.assignedHub);
        console.log('DeviceId='   result.deviceId);
        var connectionString = 'HostName='   result.assignedHub   ';DeviceId='   result.deviceId   ';SharedAccessKey='   symmetricKey;
        hubClient = Client.fromConnectionString(connectionString, iotHubTransport);