Шаблон WordPress Не Загружается С Пользовательскими Маршрутами

#php #wordpress


Поэтому я внедрил этот код в свою установку Wordress:



 * A class to create simple custom routes.
 * Example usage:
 *     $theme_routes = new CustomRoutes();
 *     $theme_routes->addRoute(
 *         // required, regex to match the route
 *         '^api/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/?',
 *         // required, a callback function name or 
 *         // callable array like `array($object, 'method')`
 *         'api_callback',
 *         // optional template path or array of template path candidates
 *         get_template_directory() . '/api-template.php',
 *         // query vars based on regex matches
 *         // will be passed to the callback function in the same order
 *         array($param1 => 1, $param2 => 2),
 *     );
 *     function api_callback($param1, $param2) {
 *         // called before the optional template is invoked
 *     }
 * Also:
 *     // Force flush rewrite rules.
 *     $theme_routes->forceFlush();
 * @author Sam Hernandez (hernandez@happycog.com)
class CustomRoutes {

     * An array of route data indexed by regex.
     * Example value:
     *     $routes['^widgets/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/?'] = array(
     *         'callback' => 'some_function', // or array($object, 'someMethod')
     *         'template' => '/template/path/to/file.php',
     *         'query_vars' => array('param1' => 1, 'param2' => 2)
     *     );
     * @var array
    protected $routes = array();

     * Flag to force flushing existing rewrite rules.
     * @var boolean
    protected $force_flush = false;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        add_action('parse_request',       array($this, 'parseRequestAction'));
        add_filter('query_vars',          array($this, 'queryVarsFilter'));
        add_filter('rewrite_rules_array', array($this, 'rewriteRulesArrayFilter'));
        add_action('wp_loaded',           array($this, 'wpLoadedAction'));

     * Public methods

     * Force flush existing rewrite rules.
    public function forceFlush() {
        $this->force_flush = true;

     * Action callback for 'parse_request'. Handles the execution
     * of custom routes by invoking the optional callback and optional
     * template file if they are given for the matched route.
     * @param  WP $query
    public function parseRequestAction($query)
        if ($query->matched_rule and isset($this->routes[$query->matched_rule]))
            $route = $this->routes[$query->matched_rule];

            $this->doCallback($route, $query);

            if ($route['template']) {
                $html = $this->doTemplate($route);


     * Add a route with params.
     * @param string $match      A regular expression for the url match
     * @param string $callback   Callback; function name or callable array such as `array($object, 'method')`
     * @param string $template   Optional template path
     * @param array  $query_vars An array of url query vars indexed by the var name, value being the regex match number.
    public function addRoute($match, $callback, $template = null, $query_vars = array())
        $this->routes[$match] = compact('callback', 'template', 'query_vars');

     * Action and filter callbacks

     * Action callback for 'wp_loaded'.
     * Flushes the current rewrite rules if a newly defined rule
     * is missing or if the `$force_flush` flag is raised.
    public function wpLoadedAction()
        $rules = get_option('rewrite_rules');
        $missing_routes = false;

        foreach ($this->routes as $key => $value) {
            $missing_routes  = !isset($rules[$key]);

        if ($missing_routes || $this->force_flush) {
            global $wp_rewrite;

     * Filter callback for 'rewrite_rules_array'.
     * Adds new rules for newly defined routes.
     * @param  array $rules
     * @return array
    public function rewriteRulesArrayFilter($rules)
        $newrules = array();
        foreach ($this->routes as $match => $route) {
            $newrules[$match] = $this->makeRuleUrl($route);

        return $newrules   $rules;

     * Filter callback for 'query_vars'.
     * @param  array $vars
     * @return array
    public function queryVarsFilter($vars)
        foreach($this->routes as $route)
            foreach($route['query_vars'] as $key => $value) {
                $vars[] = $key;

        return $vars;

     * Protected methods

     * Invoke the callback for a given route.
     * @param  array $route An item from $this->routes
     * @param  WP    $query
    protected function doCallback($route, $query)
        $params = array();

        // params are in the same order as given in the array
        foreach($route['query_vars'] as $name => $match) {
            $params[] = $query->query_vars[$name];

        call_user_func_array($route['callback'], $params);

     * Includes a template for a given route if one is found.
     * @param  array $route   An item from $this->routes
    protected function doTemplate($route)
        $candidates = (array) $route['template'];

        foreach($candidates as $candidate)
            if (file_exists($candidate))
                include $candidate;

     * Returns a url with query string key/value pairs as
     * needed for rewrite rules.
     * @param  array $route  An item from $this->routes
     * @return string
    protected function makeRuleUrl($route)
        $q_vars = array();

        foreach($route['query_vars'] as $name => $match) {
            $q_vars[] = $name . '=$matches[' . $match . ']';

        return 'index.php?' . implode('amp;', $q_vars);

Отличная работа, за исключением одного: шаблон не загружается. Он показывает только содержимое, указанное в обратном вызове. Когда я удаляю выход в строке 103, он перенаправляется на домашнюю страницу.

Как я могу получить и загрузить текущий используемый шаблон wordpress и загрузить свой код в тело шаблона?