#node.js #vue.js #npm #yarnpkg
У меня есть проект, который должен быть установлен с помощью yarn install. Почему эта установка пряжи не работает? Это журнал консоли. Моя версия узла-v14.17.5 npm версии 7.7.5 версия пряжи 1.22.5
➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step
➤ YN0061: │ nuxt-i18n@npm:6.28.1 is deprecated: Please use the @nuxtjs/i18n package going forward
➤ YN0061: │ npm-ci@npm:0.0.2 is deprecated: Test package
➤ YN0032: │ fsevents@npm:2.3.2: Implicit dependencies on node-gyp are discouraged
➤ YN0061: │ core-js@npm:2.6.12 is deprecated: core-js@<3.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
➤ YN0061: │ core-js@npm:2.6.12 is deprecated: core-js@<3.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
➤ YN0032: │ fsevents@npm:2.3.2: Implicit dependencies on node-gyp are discouraged
➤ YN0061: │ querystring@npm:0.2.1 is deprecated: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
➤ YN0061: │ flatten@npm:1.0.3 is deprecated: flatten is deprecated in favor of utility frameworks such as lodash.
➤ YN0002: │ eslint-plugin-nuxt@npm:2.0.0 doesn't provide eslint@^6.2.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0-0 requested by eslint-plugin-vue@npm:7.17.0
➤ YN0002: │ eslint-plugin-nuxt@npm:2.0.0 doesn't provide eslint@>=5.0.0 requested by vue-eslint-parser@npm:7.11.0
➤ YN0002: │ nuxt-buefy@npm:0.4.10 doesn't provide vue@^2.6.11 requested by buefy@npm:0.9.10
➤ YN0002: │ nuxt@npm:2.15.8 doesn't provide consola@* requested by @nuxt/components@npm:2.2.1
➤ YN0002: │ vuex-stores@npm:1.0.0 doesn't provide vue@^3.0.2 requested by vuex@npm:4.0.2
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide @babel/core@>=7.11.0 requested by @babel/eslint-parser@npm:7.15.4
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vue@^2.6.12 requested by @gtm-support/vue2-gtm@npm:1.1.0
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide @nuxt/vue-app@^2.15 requested by @nuxtjs/composition-api@npm:0.28.0
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vue@^2 requested by @nuxtjs/composition-api@npm:0.28.0
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide webpack@^4.36.0 || ^5.0.0 requested by sass-loader@npm:10.2.0
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vue@^2.6.6 requested by vue-advanced-cropper@npm:1.8.2
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vue@^2.0.0 || >=3.0.0-rc.0 requested by vue-chart-3@npm:0.5.8
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vue@>= 2.0.0 requested by vue-debounce@npm:3.0.1
➤ YN0060: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. provides leaflet.gridlayer.googlemutant@npm:0.13.4 with version 0.13.4 which doesn't satisfy ^0.8.0 requested by vue2-leaflet-googlemutant@npm:2.0.0
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide @types/leaflet@^1.5.7 requested by vue2-leaflet@npm:2.7.1
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vue@^2.5.17 requested by vue2-leaflet@npm:2.7.1
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vuex@>=2.5 requested by vuex-persist@npm:3.1.3
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vue-router@^3.0.0 requested by vuex-router-sync@npm:5.0.0
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vuex@^3.0.0 requested by vuex-router-sync@npm:5.0.0
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide @types/geojson@^7946.0.7 requested by x5-gmaps@npm:0.4.5
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide @types/googlemaps@^3.43.3 requested by x5-gmaps@npm:0.4.5
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vue-property-decorator@^9.1.2 requested by x5-gmaps@npm:0.4.5
➤ YN0002: │ lurity-portal-nuxt@workspace:. doesn't provide vue@^2.6.11 requested by x5-gmaps@npm:0.4.5
➤ YN0002: │ @nuxtjs/eslint-module@npm:3.0.2 [ca58d] doesn't provide webpack@^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0 requested by eslint-webpack-plugin@npm:2.5.4
➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 17.13s
➤ YN0000: ┌ Fetch step
➤ YN0013: │ leaflet.gridlayer.googlemutant@npm:0.13.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ leaflet.markercluster@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ leaflet@npm:1.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ loader-runner@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0066: │ fsevents@patch:fsevents@npm:2.3.2#builtin<compat/fsevents>::version=2.3.2amp;hash=87eb42: Cannot apply hunk #1
➤ YN0013: │ write-json-file@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:7.5.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ x5-gmaps@npm:0.4.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ xxhashjs@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yocto-queue@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 30.97s
➤ YN0000: Failed with errors in 48.12s