Проблемы с преобразованием кода C# (генератор лабиринта) в PHP

#c# #php #algorithm


В настоящее время я работаю над проектом, в котором используется алгоритм Эллера для создания лабиринтов. Я нашел идеальный рабочий пример этого алгоритма, написанный на C# . Но проблема в том, что моя среда программирования основана на PHP. Поэтому я попытался преобразовать код C# в PHP, но пока безрезультатно.

PHP — код в настоящее время выполняется нормально, но результат преобразованного кода не совпадает с результатом C#. Так что, должно быть, что-то не так с преобразованием, но я не могу понять, что именно.

Результат, который я сейчас получаю (неразрешимый лабиринт): Изображение текущего

Результат, который я ожидал получить (идеально сгенерированный лабиринт): Ожидаемая картинка

Проект, который я пытаюсь преобразовать, это: https://github.com/SebastianEd/EllersAlgorithm

Это файловая структура, которая у меня сейчас есть:

  • index.php (Частично на основе Program.cs)

$width = 5;
$height = 5;

$maze = new Maze();
$maze->GenerateMaze($width, $height);

$maze = $maze->TranslateMaze();

for ($y = 0; $y < $height * 2   2; $y  ) {
    for ($x = 0; $x < $width * 2   2; $x  ) {
        echo $maze[$y][$x];
    echo '<br>';
  • Maze.php (на основе Eller.cs)

class Set
    public $Cells;

class Cell
    public $Set;
    public $HasRightWall;
    public $HasBottomWall;

class Maze

    private const MaxBias = 64;
    private const Bias = 32;

    private const Wall = "xx";
    private const Path = "....";

    private $width;
    private $height;

    private $sets;
    private $row;

    private $maze;

    public function ReturnMaze()
        return $this->maze;

    public function GenerateMaze(int $width, int $height)
        $this->width = $width;
        $this->height = $height;

        $this->maze = Array();
        $this->sets = [];
        $this->row = [];

        for ($i = 0;$i < $this->width;$i  )
            $this->row[] = new Cell();

        // This is the section where the algorithm finally executes after all the preperations.
        for ($x = 0;$x < $this->height;$x  )

            // Handles the last row which is a special case.
            if ($x === $this->height - 1)
                // Every cell that has no set, will have its own unique set.

                // In the last row every cell will have a bottom wall
                foreach ($this->row as $cell)
                    $cell->HasBottomWall = true;

                // Create right walls
                for ($i = 0;$i < count($this->row) - 1;$i  )
                    // Delete all rows that divide different sets
                    if ($this->row[$i]->Set !== $this->row[$i   1]->Set)
                        $this->row[$i]->HasRightWall = false;
                        $this->row[$i]->HasRightWall = true;


                // The last cell in a row always has to have a right wall because that's where the border of the maze is.
                $this->row[count($this->row) - 1]->HasRightWall = true;

                // Stores the row in the maze.

                // End the loop because the last row has already been done.

            // Every cell that has no set, will have its own unique set.

            // If there are multiple cells with the same set place a wall between them.
            // Otherwise you will get "holes" in your maze. Just remove this code-segment and generate some mazes to see it!
            for ($i = 0;$i < count($this->row) - 1;$i  )
                if ($this->row[$i]->Set === $this->row[$i   1]->Set)
                    $this->row[$i]->HasRightWall = true;

            // Create the right walls.

            // Create bottom walls. (NOTE: Each set need at least one cell without a bottom wall.)

            // Stores the row in the maze.

            // Prepare the next row.


    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a random bool and is used to define if a right wall should be created or not.
    /// </summary>
    private function CreateWall():

        $x = rand(0, self::MaxBias   1);

        if ($x > self::Bias)
            return true;

        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// This will define foreach cell in a row if it has a right wall or not.
    /// </summary>
    private function CreateRightWalls()
        // i is the left cell(lc) and i   1 is the right cell(rc) => | lc | rc |
        for ($i = 0;$i < count($this->row) - 1;$i  )
            // Randomly create a wall.
            if ($this->CreateWall())
                $this->row[$i]->HasRightWall = true;
            else if ($this->row[$i]->Set === $this->row[$i   1]->Set)
                // If the left and the right cell have the same set there needs to be a right wall to not create loops in the maze.
                $this->row[$i]->HasRightWall = true;
                // Merge cells to the same set.
                unset($this->row[$i   1]
                        ->Cells[array_search($this->row[$i   1], $this->row[$i   1]
                        ->Set->Cells, true) ]);
                $this->row[$i   1]
                    ->Set->Cells = array_values($this->row[$i   1]
                    ->Cells[] = $this->row[$i   1];
                $this->row[$i   1] = $this->row[$i];

        // The last cell in a row always has to have a right wall because that's where the border of the maze is.
        $this->row[count($this->row) - 1]->HasRightWall = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// This will define foreach cell in a row if it has a bottom wall or not.
    /// </summary>
    private function CreateDownWalls()
        // NOTE: Every set needs to have at least one path downwards.
        foreach ($this->sets as $set)
            // Check if the set is used by any cells. (NOTE: There can be sets without any cells due to merging the sets of different cells.)
            if (count($set->Cells) > 0)
                // The cellIndices store the information which cells of a set should NOT have bottom walls.
                $cellIndices = [];

                // If a set only has one cell it must not have a bottom wall!
                if (count($set->Cells) === 1)
                    $cellIndices[] = 0;
                    // Randomly choose how many paths you want to have downwards. (NOTE: Each set needs at least one path downwards!)
                    $downPaths = rand(1, count($set->Cells)   1);

                    // Randomly choose which cells of the set should have the downPaths.
                    for ($i = 0;$i < $downPaths;$i  )
                            $index = rand(0, count($set->Cells));
                        while (in_array($index, $cellIndices));

                        $cellIndices[] = $index;

                // Add bottom walls.
                for ($k = 0;$k < count($set->Cells);$k  )
                    if (!in_array($k, $cellIndices))
                        $set->Cells[$k]->HasBottomWall = true;
                        $set->Cells[$k]->HasBottomWall = false;
                // Remove empty sets to clean up a little bit.
                unset($this->sets[array_search($set, $this->sets, true) ]);
                $this->sets = array_values($this->sets);

    /// <summary>
    /// Prepares a new row.
    /// </summary>
    private function PrepareNextRow()
        foreach ($this->row as $cell)
            // Remove all right walls for the next row.
            $cell->HasRightWall = false;

            // If a cell in the previous row had a down wall the cell beneathe must not have a down wall nor a set.
            if ($cell->HasBottomWall)
                        ->Cells[array_search($cell, $cell
                        ->Set->Cells, true) ]);
                    ->Set->Cells = array_values($cell
                $cell->Set = null;
                $cell->HasBottomWall = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// For the algorithm to work you need to make a unique set for each cell where the set is empty.
    /// </summary>
    private function InitSets()
        foreach ($this->row as $cell)
            if ($cell->Set === null)
                $set = new Set(); // Create a new set...
                $cell->Set = $set; // ...and assign it to the cell
                $set->Cells[] = $cell; // Add the cell to the set.
                $this->sets[] = $set; // Add the set into the list of sets.


    /// <summary>
    /// Eller's algorithm always loads only one row into memory. So you need to store every row before you move on to the next one.
    /// You could also print every row before moving on to the next row, but then you can't access the whole maze! (Or simply doing both :P)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="h">
    /// 'h' stands for height and tells the how many rows this is.
    /// </param>
    private function WriteRowIntoMaze(int $h)
        for ($i = 0;$i < count($this->row);$i  )
            // You need to store a new object into the arrays cell, because otherwise it will only store
            // the reference to the rows cell and it will be overridden after the next step in the loop
            $cell = new Cell();
            $cell->HasBottomWall = $this->row[$i]->HasBottomWall;
            $cell->HasRightWall = $this->row[$i]->HasRightWall;

            if (!isset($this->maze[$i]))
                $this->maze[$i] = Array();
            $this->maze[$i][$h] = $cell;

    public function TranslateMaze()

        $mazeTranslation = Array();

        for ($i = 0;$i < $this->height   1;$i  )

            $y = $i - 1;

            for ($j = 0;$j < $this->width   1;$j  )
                $x = $j - 1;

                if ($i === 0)

                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2] = self::Wall; // This is the top left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall; // This is the top right block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2] = self::Wall; // This is the bottom left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall; // This is the bottom right block

                if ($j === 0)

                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2] = self::Wall; // This is the top left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall; // This is the top right block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2] = self::Wall; // This is the bottom left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall; // This is the bottom right block


                if ($this->maze[$x][$y]->HasRightWall amp;amp; $this->maze[$x][$y]->HasBottomWall)

                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2] = self::Path; // This is the top left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall; // This is the top right block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2] = self::Wall; // This is the bottom left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall; // This is the bottom right block
                    // Fills corners to look nicer. (Remove this section and run the code to see what I mean.)
                    if ($i > 1)
                        $mazeTranslation[$i * 2 - 1][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall;

                    // Fills corners to look nicer. (Remove this section and run the code to see what I mean.)
                    if ($j > 1)
                        $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2 - 1] = self::Wall;
                else if ($this->maze[$x][$y]->HasRightWall amp;amp; !$this->maze[$x][$y]->HasBottomWall)
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2] = self::Path; // This is the top left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall; // This is the top right block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2] = self::Path; // This is the bottom left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall; // This is the bottom right block
                    // Fills corners to look nicer. (Remove this section and run the code to see what I mean.)
                    if ($i > 1)
                        $mazeTranslation[$i * 2 - 1][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall;
                else if ($x >= 0 amp;amp; $y >= 0 amp;amp; !$this->maze[$x][$y]->HasRightWall amp;amp; $this->maze[$x][$y]->HasBottomWall)
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2] = self::Path; // This is the top left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2   1] = self::Path; // This is the top right block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2] = self::Wall; // This is the bottom left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2   1] = self::Wall; // This is the bottom right block
                    // Extends bottom walls to look nicer. (Remove this section and run the code to see what I mean.)
                    if ($j > 1)
                        $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2 - 1] = self::Wall;
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2] = self::Path; // This is the top left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2][$j * 2   1] = self::Path; // This is the top right block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2] = self::Path; // This is the bottom left block
                    $mazeTranslation[$i * 2   1][$j * 2   1] = self::Path; // This is the bottom right block



        // Return the translated maze.
        return $mazeTranslation;

Кто — нибудь знает, что вызывает проблему с генерацией?