Вопрос объединения MongoDB не может быть решен

#arrays #mongodb #aggregation-framework


я пытаюсь найти ISBN, название книги и издателя книг, в которых есть по крайней мере два автора и не более трех авторов. Я пишу так , но в этой коллекции КНИГА представляет собой массив, тогда автор в книге также является массивом, поэтому для меня это немного сложно

{$unwind:{path:"$subject.book",preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}},
{$unwind:{path:"$subject.book.author",preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}},


но вывод автора и книги был неверным, я не знаю, в какой части моего кода есть ошибка, пожалуйста, помогите мне, спасибо
ниже приведен документ json для коллекции тем

"subject": {
        "subTitle":"Algorithm and Problem Solving",
        "assessments": [
                { "assessNum": 1,
                  "description":"Problem Solving and Invariant" },
                { "assessNum": 2,
                  "description":"Assignment 1 - Sorting and Seaarching, Linked Lists, and Stack and Queues" },
                { "assessNum": 3,
                  "description":"Assignment 2 - Recursion, Trees, and Algorithmic Strategies" },
                { "assessNum": 4,
                  "description":"Closed-book Class Test" },
                { "assessNum": 5,
                  "description": "Closed-book Final Examination" }
        "book": [
                { "ISBN":"13:978-0-13-231681-1",
                  "bookTitle":"Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms",
                  "author": [ "Anany Levitin" ] },
                { "ISBN":"13:978-0-13-231681-1",
                  "author": [ "B A Forouzan", "D S Malik", "M K Sen Thomson" ] }


"subject": {
        "subTitle":"Procedural Programming",
        "assessments": [
                { "assessNum": 1,
                  "description":"Assignment 1 - Basic Concepts: Sequential Designs" },
                { "assignNum": 2,
                  "description":"Assignment 2 - Control structures: Selection Designs" },
                { "assessNum": 3,
                  "description":"Assignment 3 - Repetition Designs and Functions I" },
                { "assessNum": 4,
                  "description":"Closed-book Class Test" },
                { "assessNum": 5,
                  "weight": 10,
                  "description":"Laboratory Test" },
                { "assessNum": 6,
                  "weight": 10,
                  "description": "Closed-book Class Test" },
                { "assessNum": 7,
                  "description": "Closed-book Final Examination" }
        "book": [
                { "ISBN":"13:978-1-133-52635-3",
                  "bookTitle":"C   Programming - Program design including data structure",
                  "publisher":"CENGAGE Learning",
                  "author": [ "Malik D S" ] },
                { "ISBN":"13:978-0-273-75983-6",
                    "bookTitle":"Starting Out With C  : From Control Structures through Objects",
                  "author": [ "Tony Gaddis" ] },


"subject": {
        "subTitle":"Applied Programming",
        "prerequisite": ["csci114"],
        "assessments": [
                { "assessNum": 1,
                  "description":"Assignment 1 - Application on binary file processing" },
                { "assignNum": 2,
                  "description":"Assignment 2 - Application on pointers" },
                { "assessNum": 3,
                  "description":"Assignment 3 - Application on classes and objects and dynamic data structures" },
                { "assessNum": 4,
                  "description":"Laboraory/Implementation Tasks" },
                { "assessNum": 5,
                  "weight": 50,
                  "description":"Closed-book Final Examination" }
        "book": [
                { "ISBN":"10:1-4390-4023-0",
                  "bookTitle":"Data Structures Using C  ",
                  "publisher":"CENGAGE Learning",
                  "author": [ "Malik D S" ] },
                { "ISBN":"13:978-1-133-52635-3",
                    "bookTitle":"C   Programming - Program design including data structure",
                  "publisher":"CENGAGE Learning",
                  "author": [ "Malik D S" ] },
                { "ISBN":"13:978-0-273-75983-6",
                    "bookTitle":"Starting Out With C  : From Control Structures through Objects",
                  "author": [ "Tony Gaddis" ] }

        "subTitle":"Database Systems",
        "prerequisite": ["csci124","csci103"],
        "assessments": [
                { "assessNum": 1,
                  "description":"Assignment 1 - Normalization and Indexing" },
                { "assignNum": 2,
                  "description":"Assignment 2 - PL/SQL programming and Concurrency Control" },
                { "assessNum": 3,
                  "description":"Assignment 3 - JSON/BSON and MongoDB" },
                { "assessNum": 4,
                  "description":"Laboraory/Implementation Tasks" },
                { "assessNum": 5,
                  "weight": 60,
                  "description":"Closed-book Final Examination" }
        "book": [
                { "ISBN":"13:978-0-136-08620-8",
                  "bookTitle":"Fundamentals of Database Systems",
                  "author": [ "Ramez Elmasri", "Shamkant B Navathe" ] },
                { "ISBN":"0-07-246563-8",
                    "bookTitle":"Database Management Systems",
                  "author": [ "Raghur Ramakrishnan", "Johannes Gehrke" ] } ]

        "subTitle":"Algorithm and Data Structures",
        "prerequisite": ["csci103"],
        "assessments": [
                { "assessNum": 1,
                  "description":"Assignment 1 - Mathematic Concepts and Algorithm Complexity" },
                { "assignNum": 2,
                  "description":"Assignment 2 - Linear and Non-linear Data Structure" },
                { "assessNum": 3,
                  "description":"Assignment 3 - Greedy Algorithm and Branch-and-Bound" },
                { "assessNum": 4,
                  "weight": 60,
                  "description":"Closed-book Final Examination" }
        "book": [
                { "ISBN":"13:978-0-13-231681-1",
                  "bookTitle":"Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms",
                  "author": [ "Levitin" ] },
                { "ISBN":"978-0-262-53305-8",
                    "bookTitle":"Introduction to Algorithms",
                  "publisher":"The MIT Press",
                  "author": [ "Thomas H Cormen", "Charles E Leiserson", "Ronald L Riverst", "Clifford Stein" ] } ]

        "subTitle":"Professional Practice and Ethics",
        "assessments": [
                { "assessNum": 1,
                  "description":"Assignment 1 - Ethical Dilemma Case Study" },
                { "assignNum": 2,
                  "description":"Presentation of Case Study" },
                { "assessNum": 3,
                  "weight": 40,
                  "description":"Closed-book Final Examination" }

        "subTitle":"Final Year Project",
        "assessments": [
                { "assessNum": 1,
                  "description":"Prototype demonstration" },
                { "assignNum": 2,
                  "assessType":"Implementation and Presentation",
                  "description":"Final product Presentation and assessment of product implementation by panel of project supervisors" }

Ответ №1:

Вы можете просто написать его с $filter помощью . Но если вы опубликуете свой ожидаемый результат, это будет лучше

    $addFields: {
      "subject.book": {
        $filter: {
          input: "$subject.book",
          cond: {
            $or: [
              { $eq: [ { $size: "$this.author" }, 2 ] },
              { $eq: [ { $size: "$this.author" }, 3 ] }

Рабочая игровая площадка Монго


1. { «тема» : { «книга» : { «ISBN» : «13:978-0-13-231681-1», «издатель» : «Пирсон» } } } { «тема» : { «книга» : { «ISBN» : «13:978-0-136-08620-8», «Заголовок книги» : «Основы систем баз данных», «издатель» : «Аддисон-Уэсли» } } } { «тема» : { «книга» : { «ISBN» : «0-07-246563-8», «Подзаголовок книги» : «Системы управления базами данных», «издатель» : «Макгроу-Хилл» } } } ожидаемый результат выглядит так, отображаются только ISBN,название и издатель,и книги должны быть правильными