Woocommerce Ограничивает Api

#wordpress #woocommerce-rest-api


У меня возникли некоторые проблемы с API Wocommerce. Я знаю, что это не идеально, но я использую его с одним уникальным ключом для чтения/записи некоторых ресурсов на моем сайте. Чтобы предотвратить использование кем-либо ключа для получения данных других пользователей, я написал функцию, которая генерирует уникальный токен для входа в систему, необходимый для каждого запроса, затем он проверяется с помощью rest_pre_dispatch фильтра. Это сработало, но, к сожалению, в этом фильтре нет подробной информации о запросе, поэтому я пытаюсь найти более практичный способ сделать это. Я нашел код ниже по проблеме с GitHub:

 class App_API_Validation {

  public function __construct(){
        add_filter( 'woocommerce_api_create_order_data', array( $this, 'validate_customer_on_resource_creation' ), 999999 );
        add_filter( 'woocommerce_api_dispatch_args', array( $this, 'validate_request' ), 999999 );
     * Validate REST API's request
     * It is hooked on 'woocommerce_api_dispatch_args' filter.
     * With our custom validation we ensure that user has access
     * only to his resources, which means:
     * #1 - User doesn't have access ability to make CRUD operations to other users profiles
     * #2 - User doesn't have access to others users resources (we are validating ownership)
     * #3 - User doesn't have access to any resource list - for example to get all customers or orders.
     * @param array $args Data sent by REST API client
     * @param array $callback Function to process REST API's request
     * @return WP_Error|array
    public function validate_request( $args, $callback ) {
    echo 1;die;
        $class_name  = get_class( $callback[0] );
        $method_name = $callback[1];
        $id          = ( isset( $args['id'] ) ? $args['id'] : false );

        $are_resources_valid = true;
        if ( $id ) {
            if ( $this->has_to_trigger_resources_user_validation( $class_name, $method_name ) ) {
                // Does user access his own profile ?
                $are_resources_valid = $this->validate_resources_user( $id );
            } else {
                // Does user has ownership of the requested resource ?
                $are_resources_valid = $this->validate_resources_ownership( $id, $class_name );
        } else {
            // Does user try to get a list of resources,
            // for example - all customers or orders
            $are_resources_valid = $this->validate_resources_list( $class_name, $method_name );

        // If requested resources validation fails trigger error
        if ( ! $are_resources_valid ) {
            $args = $this->get_error();

        return $args;

     * Filter resource data on create
     * We ensure whether a customer creates resource for himself
    public function validate_resource_creation() {

     * Validate customer on resource creation
     * Do not allow one customer to create resource of another customer
     * @param array $data Resource data
     * @return array $data
     * @throws WC_API_Exception
    public function validate_customer_on_resource_creation( $data ) {
        $customer_id                           = $data['customer_id'];
        $does_user_create_resource_for_himself = $this->validate_resources_user( $customer_id );
        if ( ! $does_user_create_resource_for_himself ) {
            $this->get_error( true );

        return $data;

     * Get or throw an error message if validation fails
     * @param bool|false $throw Whether to throw new error or not
     * @return WP_Error
     * @throws WC_API_Exception
    public function get_error( $throw = false ) {
        $code    = 'woocommerce_app_api_insufficient_permissions';
        $message = __( 'You don't have sufficient permissions', 'app-translations' );
        $status  = 401;

        if ( $throw ) {
            throw new WC_API_Exception( $code, $message, $status );

        return new WP_Error( $code, $message, array( 'status' => $status ) );

     * Check whether or not to trigger user validation
     * User validation is triggered when one of listed method is called
     * @param string $class_name
     * @param string $method_name
     * @return bool
    public function has_to_trigger_resources_user_validation( $class_name, $method_name ) {
        $resources_user = array(
            'WC_API_Customers' => array(
            'WC_API_Customers_Extended' => array(

        return $this->is_method_exists( $resources_user, $class_name, $method_name );

     * Check if a method exists in array of classes (resources)
     * @param $resources
     * @param $class_name
     * @param $method_name
     * @return bool
    private function is_method_exists( $resources, $class_name, $method_name ) {
        $is_class_exist  = array_key_exists( $class_name, $resources );
        $is_method_exist = ( $is_class_exist amp;amp; in_array( $method_name, $resources[ $class_name ] ) );

        return $is_method_exist;

     * Validate resource list
     * If the customer tries to access list of resource,
     * we are restrict his access.
     * @param $class_name
     * @param $method_name
     * @return bool
    public function validate_resources_list( $class_name, $method_name ) {
        $resources_list = array(
            'WC_API_Customers' => array(
            'WC_API_Addresses' => array(

        // If the method exist, then it is forbidden for access
        $condition = ( ! $this->is_method_exists( $resources_list, $class_name, $method_name ) );

        return $condition;

     * Does user access his own profile
     * We are checking whether current user (by his customer key)
     * has the same id according requested $id
     * @param int $id ID of the requested customer
     * @return bool
    public function validate_resources_user( $id ) {
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        // Check if the user tries to access his own resources
        $does_user_access_his_resource = ( $id == $current_user->ID );

        return $does_user_access_his_resource;

     * Check whether requested resource id is owned by current user
     * At $resources_ownership array we describe all resources these require
     * user to has ownership of them.
     * @param int    $id ID of requested resource
     * @param string $class_name Class that represent requested resource
     * @return bool
    public function validate_resources_ownership( $id, $class_name ) {
        // Classes that require user to have ownership of requested resource
        $resources_ownership = array(

        $is_class_exist = in_array( $class_name, $resources_ownership );
        if ( ! $is_class_exist ) {
            return true;

        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $model_user   = new User( $current_user->ID );
        switch ( $class_name ) {
            case 'WC_API_Addresses':
                $has_user_ownership_of_object = $model_user->has_user_address( $id );
            case 'WC_API_Orders':
                $has_user_ownership_of_object = $model_user->has_user_order( $id );

        return $has_user_ownership_of_object;


Проблема в том, что фильтр woocommerce_api_dispatch_args не вызывается, поэтому там больше ничего не работает. У вас есть какая-нибудь идея, как заставить это работать снова? Спасибо!