соединение webrtc не открывается

#javascript #webrtc #web-development-server


Я создал предложение со стороны peer_a, а также ответ со стороны peer_b.В этой части кода все в порядке, но канал не открывается, я не знаю, в чем проблема, пожалуйста, помогите мне, я новичок в этом протоколе.


 function Peer_a(){

    const iceConfiguration = { }
    iceConfiguration.iceServers = [];


    const localConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(iceConfiguration)

    lc = localConnection
    lc.onicecandidate = e =>  {
        obj = e;
        console.log(" NEW ice candidnat!! on localconnection reprinting SDP " )
        offer = JSON.stringify(lc.localDescription)

    sendChannel = lc.createDataChannel("sendChannel");
    sendChannel.onmessage =e =>  console.log("messsage received!!!"    e.data )
    sendChannel.onopen = e => console.log("open!!!!");
    sendChannel.onclose =e => console.log("closed!!!!!!");

    lc.createOffer().then(o => lc.setLocalDescription(o))



 async function peer_b(){

    const offer = JSON.parse(document.querySelector('#frndid2').value)
    const remoteConnection = new RTCPeerConnection()
    rc = remoteConnection

    rc.onicecandidate = e =>  {
        console.log(" NEW ice candidnat!! on localconnection reprinting SDP " )
        answer = JSON.stringify(rc.localDescription)

    rc.ondatachannel= e => {

        receiveChannel = e.channel;
        receiveChannel.onmessage =e =>  console.log("messsage received!!!"    e.data )
        receiveChannel.onopen = e => console.log("open!!!!");
        receiveChannel.onclose =e => console.log("closed!!!!!!");
        rc.channel = receiveChannel;


    //create answer
    await rc.createAnswer().then(a => rc.setLocalDescription(a)).then(a=>


Когда peer_a нажимает кнопку далее

 function next_page(){
    const answer = JSON.parse(document.querySelector('#frndid').value)
    lc.setRemoteDescription (answer).then(a=>console.log("done"))

    sendChannel.onmessage =e =>  console.log("messsage received!!!"    e.data )
    sendChannel.onopen = e => console.log("open!!!!");
    sendChannel.onclose =e => console.log("closed!!!!!!");


When peer_b clicks next button

 function next_page_2(){
    rc.ondatachannel= e => {

        receiveChannel = e.channel;
        receiveChannel.onmessage =e =>  console.log("messsage received!!!"    e.data )
        receiveChannel.onopen = e => console.log("open!!!!");
        receiveChannel.onclose =e => console.log("closed!!!!!!");
        rc.channel = receiveChannel;

when peer_a clicks the next button «done» was displayed on the console but «open!!!!» is not printing anywhere.