#excel #vba
#excel #vba
Часть I Здесь нет проблем
Sub Get_Data_BYN()
' // Set Data Workplaces
' / Set Data WorkBooks
Dim SourceBook As Workbook
Set SourceBook = GetWorkbook(Source)
Dim TargetBook As Workbook
Set TargetBook = ThisWorkbook
' / Set Data WorkSheets
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet
Set SourceSheet = SourceBook.Worksheets("Data")
Dim TargetSheet As Worksheet
Set TargetSheet = TargetBook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
' / Set Data Ranges
Dim SourceLastRow As Long
SourceLastRow = SourceSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim TargetLastRow As Long
TargetLastRow = TargetSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim Primary_Key As Variant '[SourceSheet Array Store]: LAVA ID
Primary_Key = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(SourceSheet.Range("A2:A" amp; SourceLastRow).Value)
Dim Foreign_Key As Variant '[TargetSheet Range Store]: LAVA ID
Foreign_Key = TargetSheet.Range("G2:G" amp; TargetLastRow).Value
Часть II — Остальная часть кода, где мне нужно перебирать варианты (для i = от 1 до x) вместо (тусклый «переменный» как вариант каждый раз), мне нужен полный синтаксис, поскольку я новичок в этой теме… вы можете посмотреть ниже.
это означает, что я хочу перебирать саму переменную, чтобы вместо того, чтобы писать одну и ту же процедуру более одного раза, просто повторять одну и ту же процедуру.
' / Set Data Fields
Dim Primary_Field_1 As Variant '[SourceSheet Array Store]: Bayan ID
Primary_Field_1 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(SourceSheet.Range("B2:B" amp; SourceLastRow).Value)
Dim Primary_Field_2 As Variant '[SourceSheet Array Store]: Bayan ID
Primary_Field_2 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(SourceSheet.Range("C2:C" amp; SourceLastRow).Value)
Dim Primary_Field_3 As Variant '[SourceSheet Array Store]: Bayan ID
Primary_Field_3 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(SourceSheet.Range("D2:D" amp; SourceLastRow).Value)
Dim Primary_Field_4 As Variant '[SourceSheet Array Store]: Bayan ID
Primary_Field_4 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(SourceSheet.Range("E2:E" amp; SourceLastRow).Value)
Dim Foreign_Field_1 As Variant
ReDim Foreign_Field_1(LBound(Foreign_Key, 1) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 1), _
LBound(Foreign_Key, 2) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 2))
Dim Foreign_Field_2 As Variant
ReDim Foreign_Field_2(LBound(Foreign_Key, 1) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 1), _
LBound(Foreign_Key, 2) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 2))
Dim Foreign_Field_3 As Variant
ReDim Foreign_Field_3(LBound(Foreign_Key, 1) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 1), _
LBound(Foreign_Key, 2) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 2))
Dim Foreign_Field_4 As Variant
ReDim Foreign_Field_4(LBound(Foreign_Key, 1) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 1), _
LBound(Foreign_Key, 2) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 2))
' / Write (Keys-IndexMatch) in Array offset Foreign_Field_1
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(Foreign_Key, 1) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 1)
Foreign_Field_1(i, 1) = Primary_Field_1( _
WorksheetFunction.Match(Foreign_Key(i, 1), Primary_Key, 0))
Foreign_Field_2(i, 1) = Primary_Field_2( _
WorksheetFunction.Match(Foreign_Key(i, 1), Primary_Key, 0))
Foreign_Field_3(i, 1) = Primary_Field_3( _
WorksheetFunction.Match(Foreign_Key(i, 1), Primary_Key, 0))
Foreign_Field_4(i, 1) = Primary_Field_4( _
WorksheetFunction.Match(Foreign_Key(i, 1), Primary_Key, 0))
Next i
' / Write (Keys-IndexMatch) in Range offset Foreign_Field_1 2
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("H2:H" amp; TargetLastRow).Value = Foreign_Field_1
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("i2:i" amp; TargetLastRow).Value = Foreign_Field_2
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("J2:J" amp; TargetLastRow).Value = Foreign_Field_3
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("K2:K" amp; TargetLastRow).Value = Foreign_Field_3
End Sub
Ответ №1:
Непроверенный, но попробуйте что-то вроде этого:
Sub Get_Data_BYN()
Const NUM_DATA_COLS As Long = 4
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet, TargetSheet As Worksheet
Dim rngPrimary_Key As Range '[SourceSheet Array Store]: LAVA ID
Dim Foreign_Key As Variant '[TargetSheet Range Store]: LAVA ID
Dim SourceLastRow As Long, TargetLastRow As Long
Dim Primary_Fields(1 To NUM_DATA_COLS), Foreign_Fields(1 To NUM_DATA_COLS), n As Long
Dim i As Long, v, m
Set SourceSheet = GetWorkbook(Source).Worksheets("Data")
Set TargetSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
SourceLastRow = SourceSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
TargetLastRow = TargetSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'match is much faster against a range on a sheet than against an array
Set rngPrimary_Key = SourceSheet.Range("A2:A" amp; SourceLastRow)
Foreign_Key = TargetSheet.Range("G2:G" amp; TargetLastRow).Value
For n = 1 To NUM_DATA_COLS
Primary_Fields(n) = SourceSheet.Range("B2:B" amp; SourceLastRow).Offset(0, n - 1).Value
Foreign_Fields(n) = EmptyCopy(Foreign_Key) 'empty array for results
Next n
' get matching rows and copy values to arrays
For i = LBound(Foreign_Key, 1) To UBound(Foreign_Key, 1)
v = Foreign_Key(i, 1)
m = Application.Match(v, rngPrimary_Key, 0)
If Not IsError(m) Then 'check got a match
For n = 1 To NUM_DATA_COLS
Foreign_Fields(n)(i, 1) = Primary_Fields(n)(m, 1)
Next n
End If
Next i
' / Write (Keys-IndexMatch) in Range offset Foreign_Field_1 2
Place2DArray TargetSheet.Range("H2"), Foreign_Fields(1)
Place2DArray TargetSheet.Range("i2"), Foreign_Fields(2)
Place2DArray TargetSheet.Range("J2"), Foreign_Fields(3)
Place2DArray TargetSheet.Range("K2"), Foreign_Fields(4)
End Sub
'return an empty array of same dimensions as 'arr'
Function EmptyCopy(arr)
Dim rv
ReDim rv(LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1), LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2))
EmptyCopy = rv
End Function
'copy a 1-based 2-d array 'arr' to a worksheet, starting at cell 'c'
Sub Place2DArray(c As Range, arr)
c.Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr
End Sub
Однако, если у вас нет большого количества данных, это было бы намного проще, чем vlookup в цикле. Массивы иногда работают быстрее, но многое можно сказать и для простоты.
1. Foreign_Fields(n)(i, 1) = Primary_Fields(n)(m, 1) Ошибка <Индекс вне диапазона> — я только что изменил функцию ReDim rv(LBound(arr, 1) на UBound(arr, 1), LBound(arr, 2) на UBound(arr, 2)) вместо ReDim rv(LBound(arr, 1) в UBound(arr, 2), LBound(arr, 2) в UBound(arr, 2))