#sql #json #snowflake-schema #snowflake-task
#sql #json #snowflake-схема #snowflake-задача
У меня есть следующий код SQL.Не могли бы вы помочь преобразовать следующий код SQL Server в код snowflake.Как извлечь JSON и использовать crossapply в snowflake.
select vid, ctextid, createdby, Created, description, p.dCode,
dense_rank() over (partition by vid,ctextid order by Created) as rn
from cte3
cross apply openjson(info) with
dCode varchar(30) '$.dCode',
Description varchar(30) '$.description'
) p
R1 as
select * from Q1 where rn = 1
R2 as
select * from Q1 where rn = 2
Q2 as
select coalesce(R1.vid, R2.vid) as vid, coalesce(R1.ctextid, R2.ctextid) as ctextid,
R1.Description as Description1, R1.dCode as dCode1,
R2.Description as Description2, R2.dCode as dCode2
from R1
full outer join R2
on R2.vid = R1.vid
and R2.ctextid = R1.ctextid
and R2.[Description] = R1.[Description]
select vid, ctextid,
(select top(1) createdby from R1 where vid = t.vid and ctextid = t.ctextid) as codername,
coalesce( string_agg(case when dCode1 <> dCode2 then dCode1 end, ', '), '') as correctedcode,
coalesce( string_agg(case when dCode2 is null then dCode1 end, ', '), '') as deletedcode,
coalesce( string_agg(case when dCode1 is null then dCode2 end, ', '), '') as addedcode
from Q2 as t
group by vid, ctextid
order by vid
1. Ищу некоторые входные данные здесь !..
2. Может кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, дать некоторые рекомендации по этому поводу..