#r #csv #google-bigquery
# #r #csv #google-bigquery
Я экспортировал очень большой набор данных из Google bigquery:
- Я сохранил результат своего запроса в (новой) bq-таблице
- затем экспортировал эту таблицу как разделенную * .csv (сжатую gzip) в корзину в GCS
- наконец, загрузил эти файлы локально с помощью gsutil -m cp -R gs://bucketname .
- … теперь я хочу прочитать эти файлы * .csv в R (Studio)!
Это работает, когда я использую read.csv:
tmp_file <- read.csv(path_to_csv_file)
К сожалению, это очень медленно, как мы все знаем, поэтому я хочу (ред) использовать fread():
tmp_file <- fread(path_to_csv_file, verbose = TRUE)
Но тогда это не удается! Сообщение об ошибке вывода:
data.table is using 6 threads. This is set on startup, and by setDTthreads(). See ?setDTthreads.
Input contains no n. Taking this to be a filename to open
[01] Check arguments
Using 6 threads (omp_get_max_threads()=12, nth=6)
NAstrings = [<<NA>>]
None of the NAstrings look like numbers.
show progress = 1
0/1 column will be read as integer
[02] Opening the file
Opening file /000000000007.csv
File opened, size = 377.0MB (395347735 bytes).
Memory mapped ok
[03] Detect and skip BOM
[04] Arrange mmap to be 0 terminated
n has been found in the input and different lines can end with different line endings (e.g. mixed n and rn in one file). This is common and ideal.
File ends abruptly with 'O'. Final end-of-line is missing. Using cow page to write 0 to the last byte.
[05] Skipping initial rows if needed
Positioned on line 1 starting: <<>>
[06] Detect separator, quoting rule, and ncolumns
Detecting sep automatically ...
No sep and quote rule found a block of 2x2 or greater. Single column input.
Detected 1 columns on line 1. This line is either column names or first data row. Line starts as: <<>>
Quote rule picked = 0
fill=false and the most number of columns found is 1
[07] Detect column types, good nrow estimate and whether first row is column names
Number of sampling jump points = 100 because (395347735 bytes from row 1 to eof) / (2 * 3 jump0size) == 65891289
Type codes (jump 000) : 2 Quote rule 0
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 4 of sample jump 2. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 2 of sample jump 4. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 2 of sample jump 7. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 10. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 12. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 14. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 2 of sample jump 16. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 18. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 2 of sample jump 20. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 23. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 25. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 3 of sample jump 28. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 4 of sample jump 30. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 33. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 41. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 3 of sample jump 48. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 4 of sample jump 57. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 58. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 59. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 65. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 2 of sample jump 69. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 5 of sample jump 70. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 2 of sample jump 72. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 74. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 2 of sample jump 75. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 79. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 80. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 83. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 85. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 86. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 3 of sample jump 89. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 94. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 96. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
A line with too-many fields (1/1) was found on line 1 of sample jump 98. Most likely this jump landed awkwardly so type bumps here will be skipped.
'header' determined to be true due to column 1 containing a string on row 1 and a lower type (bool8) in the rest of the 6626 sample rows
Sampled 6626 rows (handled n inside quoted fields) at 101 jump points
Bytes from first data row on line 2 to the end of last row: 395347732
Line length: mean=1.30 sd=17.01 min=0 max=639
Estimated number of rows: 395347732 / 1.30 = 304460027
Initial alloc = 334906029 rows (304460027 9%) using bytes/max(mean-2*sd,min) clamped between [1.1*estn, 2.0*estn]
[08] Assign column names
[09] Apply user overrides on column types
After 0 type and 0 drop user overrides : 2
[10] Allocate memory for the datatable
Allocating 1 column slots (1 - 0 dropped) with 334906029 rows
[11] Read the data
jumps=[0..378), chunk_size=1045893, total_size=395347732
Error in fread(all_csvs[i], integer64 = "character", verbose = TRUE) :
Internal error: invalid head position. jump=1, headPos=0000000188EA0003, thisJumpStart=0000000188F9F5EA, sof=0000000188EA0000
Когда я открываю * .csv, он показывает шестнадцатеричную кодировку (если это поможет).
(Как) я могу использовать fread для этой задачи — или есть какое-либо (быстрое) альтернативное решение для импорта этих файлов * .csv (по сравнению с read.csv)?
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Дэвид
1. Быстрое предположение, попробуйте установить классы столбцов вручную при использовании
fread(..., colClasses=...)
Ответ №1:
Недавно запущенный vroom
пакет решает эту проблему намного лучше. vroom
не считывает весь файл сразу. Он использует фреймворк Altrep для ленивой загрузки данных. Он также использует несколько потоков для индексации, материализации несимвольных столбцов и при записи для дальнейшего повышения производительности.
Прочитайте тест Vroom для сравнения. Он может считывать файлы со скоростью 900MB/sec
использует тот же интерфейс, readr
что и для указания типов столбцов.
col_types = list(cyl = "i", gear = "f",hp = "i", disp = "_",
drat = "_", vs = "l", am = "l", carb = "i")
#> # A tibble: 32 x 10
#> model mpg cyl hp wt qsec vs am gear carb
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <lgl> <fct> <int>
#> 1 Mazda RX4 21 6 110 2.62 16.5 FALSE TRUE 4 4
#> 2 Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 110 2.88 17.0 FALSE TRUE 4 4
#> 3 Datsun 710 22.8 4 93 2.32 18.6 TRUE TRUE 4 1
#> # … with 29 more rows
1. Для меня vroom без col_types работал совершенно неправильно со сложными строковыми данными, в отличие от read.csv или fread.