У меня проблема в моем коде. В функции _showDay
я хочу проверить, есть ли текущая дата в моей базе данных, но когда я пытаюсь сравнить данные из базы данных с $currentDate, она возвращает пустое поле в классе css.
Сначала я попытался сравнить случайную дату, но это не сработало:
class="'.($this->currentDate=="2013-12-01"?' Exists ':($this->currentDate=="2013-12-02"?' Exists ':' ')).'"
class Calendar {
* Constructor
public function __construct(){
$this->naviHref = htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
/********************* PROPERTY ********************/
private $dayLabels = array("Pn","Wt","Śr","Czw","Pt","Sb","Nd");
private $currentYear=0;
private $currentMonth=0;
private $currentDay=0;
private $currentDate=null;
private $daysInMonth=0;
private $naviHref= null;
/********************* PUBLIC **********************/
* print out the calendar
public function show() {
$year = null;
$month = null;
$year = $_GET['year'];
}else if(null==$year){
$year = date("Y",time());
$month = $_GET['month'];
}else if(null==$month){
$month = date("m",time());
$content='<div id="calendar">'.
'<div class="box">'.
'<div class="box-content">'.
'<ul class="label">'.$this->_createLabels().'</ul>';
$content.='<div class="clear"></div>';
$content.='<ul class="dates">';
$weeksInMonth = $this->_weeksInMonth($month,$year);
// Create weeks in a month
for( $i=0; $i<$weeksInMonth; $i ){
//Create days in a week
for($j=1;$j<=7;$j ){
$content.=$this->_showDay($i*7 $j);
$content.='<div class="clear"></div>';
return $content;
/********************* PRIVATE **********************/
* create the li element for ul
private function _showDay($cellNumber){
$firstDayOfTheWeek = date('N',strtotime($this->currentYear.'-'.$this->currentMonth.'-01'));
if(intval($cellNumber) == intval($firstDayOfTheWeek)){
if( ($this->currentDay!=0)amp;amp;($this->currentDay<=$this->daysInMonth) ){
$this->currentDate = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($this->currentYear.'-'.$this->currentMonth.'-'.($this->currentDay)));
$cellContent = $this->currentDay;
$this->currentDay ;
$this->currentDate =null;
return '<li class="l'.$cellNumber.'" id="d-'.$this->currentDate.'" class="'.($cellNumber%7==1?' start ':($cellNumber%7==0?' end ':' ')).
* create navigation
private function _createNavi(){
$nextMonth = $this->currentMonth==12?1:intval($this->currentMonth) 1;
$nextYear = $this->currentMonth==12?intval($this->currentYear) 1:$this->currentYear;
$preMonth = $this->currentMonth==1?12:intval($this->currentMonth)-1;
$preYear = $this->currentMonth==1?intval($this->currentYear)-1:$this->currentYear;
'<div class="header">'.
'<a class="prev" href="'.$this->naviHref.'?month='.sprintf('d',$preMonth).'amp;year='.$preYear.'">Poprzedni</a>'.
'<span class="title">'.date('Y M',strtotime($this->currentYear.'-'.$this->currentMonth.'-1')).'</span>'.
'<a class="next" href="'.$this->naviHref.'?month='.sprintf("d", $nextMonth).'amp;year='.$nextYear.'">Następny</a>'.
* create calendar week labels
private function _createLabels(){
foreach($this->dayLabels as $index=>$label){
$content.='<li class="'.($label==6?'end title':'start title').' title">'.$label.'</li>';
return $content;
* calculate number of weeks in a particular month
private function _weeksInMonth($month=null,$year=null){
if( null==($year) ) {
$year = date("Y",time());
if(null==($month)) {
$month = date("m",time());
// find number of days in this month
$daysInMonths = $this->_daysInMonth($month,$year);
$numOfweeks = ($daysInMonths%7==0?0:1) intval($daysInMonths/7);
$monthEndingDay= date('N',strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$daysInMonths));
$monthStartDay = date('N',strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-01'));
$numOfweeks ;
return $numOfweeks;
* calculate number of days in a particular month
private function _daysInMonth($month=null,$year=null){
$year = date("Y",time());
$month = date("m",time());
return date('t',strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-01'));
class="'.($this->currentDate=="2013-12-01"?' E......
— это неэкранированные двойные кавычки.2. если я удалю двойные кавычки, тот же результат
Ответ №1:
Ваш код дважды добавляет атрибут class к элементу здесь:
return '<li class="l' . $cellNumber . '" id="d-' . $this->currentDate . '" class="' . ($cellNumber % 7 == 1 ? ' start ' : ($cellNumber % 7 == 0 ? ' end ' : ' ')) .
($cellContent == null ? 'mask' : '') . '">' . $cellContent . '</li>';
Убедитесь, что все классы добавлены только в один атрибут класса, например:
return '<li id="d-' . $this->currentDate . '" class="l' . $cellNumber . ' ' . ($cellNumber % 7 == 1 ? ' start ' : ($cellNumber % 7 == 0 ? ' end ' : ' ')) .
($cellContent == null ? 'mask' : '') . '">' . $cellContent . '</li>';
1. Хорошо, но это все еще не отвечает на мой вопрос, но спасибо.