#python #odoo
#python #odoo
Каков эквивалент V14 функции compute_taxes() из V10, который используется в другом модуле для вычисления налогов по новому созданному счету-фактуре. Спасибо.
def compute_taxes(self):
"""Function used in other module to compute the taxes on a fresh invoice created (onchanges did not applied)"""
account_invoice_tax = self.env['account.invoice.tax']
ctx = dict(self._context)
for invoice in self:
# Delete non-manual tax lines
self._cr.execute("DELETE FROM account_invoice_tax WHERE invoice_id=%s AND manual is False", (invoice.id,))
if self._cr.rowcount:
# Generate one tax line per tax, however many invoice lines it's applied to
tax_grouped = invoice.get_taxes_values()
# Create new tax lines
for tax in tax_grouped.values():
# dummy write on self to trigger recomputations
return self.with_context(ctx).write({'invoice_line_ids': []})
Ответ №1:
Да, я вижу, что архитектура в версии 14 «немного» изменилась (я только что сравнил коды, но никогда не использовал odoo).
Сейчас вы ищете метод I believe в строке 342 в account_tax.py файл:
def compute_all(self, price_unit, currency=None, quantity=1.0, product=None, partner=None, is_refund=False, handle_price_include=True):
""" Returns all information required to apply taxes (in self their children in case of a tax group).
We consider the sequence of the parent for group of taxes.
Eg. considering letters as taxes and alphabetic order as sequence :
[G, B([A, D, F]), E, C] will be computed as [A, D, F, C, E, G]
'handle_price_include' is used when we need to ignore all tax included in price. If False, it means the
amount passed to this method will be considered as the base of all computations.
'total_excluded': 0.0, # Total without taxes
'total_included': 0.0, # Total with taxes
'total_void' : 0.0, # Total with those taxes, that don't have an account set
'taxes': [{ # One dict for each tax in self and their children
'id': int,
'name': str,
'amount': float,
'sequence': int,
'account_id': int,
'refund_account_id': int,
'analytic': boolean,
} ..."""
… Этот метод возвращает что-то вроде:
return {
'base_tags': taxes.mapped(is_refund and 'refund_repartition_line_ids' or 'invoice_repartition_line_ids').filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'base').mapped('tag_ids').ids,
'taxes': taxes_vals,
'total_excluded': sign * total_excluded,
'total_included': sign * currency.round(total_included),
'total_void': sign * currency.round(total_void),
Так что, я думаю, вам нужно изменить этот метод, если вы хотите реализовать что-то нестандартное.