Firebase messaging Typescript: как импортировать тип сообщения?

#typescript #firebase #firebase-cloud-messaging #google-cloud-functions

#typescript #firebase #firebase-облако-обмен сообщениями #google-cloud-функции


Я новичок в использовании typescript с Firebase, и у меня возникли некоторые проблемы с импортом классов.

Для разработки ООП я читал firebase-admin/index.d.ts файл, и я думаю, что были бы полезны следующие типы: TokenMessage , TopicMessage , ConditionMessage , и т.д…

И моя проблема в том, что я не знаю, как импортировать эти типы, а затем создавать из них объекты.


 import {Bucket} from '@google-cloud/storage';
import * as _firestore from '@google-cloud/firestore';
import {Agent} from 'http';

declare namespace admin {
  interface FirebaseError {
    code: string;
    message: string;
    stack: string;

    toJSON(): Object;

  type FirebaseArrayIndexError = {
    index: number;
    error: FirebaseError;

  interface ServiceAccount {
    projectId?: string;
    clientEmail?: string;
    privateKey?: string;

  interface GoogleOAuthAccessToken {
    access_token: string;
    expires_in: number;

  interface AppOptions {
    credential?: admin.credential.Credential;
    databaseAuthVariableOverride?: Object;
    databaseURL?: string;
    serviceAccountId?: string;
    storageBucket?: string;
    projectId?: string;
    httpAgent?: Agent;

  var SDK_VERSION: string;
  var apps: (|null)[];

  function app(name?: string):;
  function auth(app?: admin.auth.Auth;
  function database(app?: admin.database.Database;
  function messaging(app?: admin.messaging.Messaging;
  function storage(app?:;
  function firestore(app?: admin.firestore.Firestore;
  function instanceId(app?: admin.instanceId.InstanceId;
  function projectManagement(app?: admin.projectManagement.ProjectManagement;
  function initializeApp(options?: admin.AppOptions, name?: string):;

declare namespace {
  interface App {
    name: string;
    options: admin.AppOptions;

    auth(): admin.auth.Auth;
    database(url?: string): admin.database.Database;
    firestore(): admin.firestore.Firestore;
    instanceId(): admin.instanceId.InstanceId;
    messaging(): admin.messaging.Messaging;
    projectManagement(): admin.projectManagement.ProjectManagement;
    delete(): Promise<void>;

declare namespace admin.auth {
  interface UserMetadata {
    lastSignInTime: string;
    creationTime: string;

    toJSON(): Object;

  interface UserInfo {
    uid: string;
    displayName: string;
    email: string;
    phoneNumber: string;
    photoURL: string;
    providerId: string;

    toJSON(): Object;

  interface UserRecord {
    uid: string;
    email?: string;
    emailVerified: boolean;
    displayName?: string;
    phoneNumber?: string;
    photoURL?: string;
    disabled: boolean;
    metadata: admin.auth.UserMetadata;
    providerData: admin.auth.UserInfo[];
    passwordHash?: string;
    passwordSalt?: string;
    customClaims?: Object;
    tokensValidAfterTime?: string;

    toJSON(): Object;

  interface UpdateRequest {
    displayName?: string;
    email?: string;
    emailVerified?: boolean;
    phoneNumber?: string;
    photoURL?: string;
    disabled?: boolean;
    password?: string;

  interface CreateRequest extends UpdateRequest {
    uid?: string;

  interface DecodedIdToken {
    aud: string;
    auth_time: number;
    exp: number;
    firebase: {
      identities: {
        [key: string]: any;
      sign_in_provider: string;
      [key: string]: any;
    iat: number;
    iss: string;
    sub: string;
    uid: string;
    [key: string]: any;

  interface ListUsersResult {
    users: admin.auth.UserRecord[];
    pageToken?: string;

  type HashAlgorithmType = 'SCRYPT' | 'STANDARD_SCRYPT' | 'HMAC_SHA512' |
      'HMAC_SHA256' | 'HMAC_SHA1' | 'HMAC_MD5' | 'MD5' | 'PBKDF_SHA1' | 'BCRYPT' |
      'PBKDF2_SHA256' | 'SHA512' | 'SHA256' | 'SHA1';

  interface UserImportOptions {
    hash: {
      algorithm: HashAlgorithmType;
      key?: Buffer;
      saltSeparator?: string;
      rounds?: number;
      memoryCost?: number;
      parallelization?: number;
      blockSize?: number;
      derivedKeyLength?: number;

  interface UserImportResult {
    failureCount: number;
    successCount: number;
    errors: admin.FirebaseArrayIndexError[];

  interface UserImportRecord {
    uid: string;
    email?: string;
    emailVerified?: boolean;
    displayName?: string;
    phoneNumber?: string;
    photoURL?: string;
    disabled?: boolean;
    metadata?: {
      lastSignInTime?: string;
      creationTime?: string;
    providerData?: {
      uid: string,
      displayName?: string,
      email?: string,
      photoURL?: string,
      providerId: string,
    customClaims?: Object;
    passwordHash?: Buffer;
    passwordSalt?: Buffer;

  interface SessionCookieOptions {
    expiresIn: number;

  interface ActionCodeSettings {
    url: string;
    handleCodeInApp?: boolean;
    iOS?: {
      bundleId: string;
    android?: {
      packageName: string;
      installApp?: boolean;
      minimumVersion?: string;
    dynamicLinkDomain?: string;

  interface BaseAuth {
    createCustomToken(uid: string, developerClaims?: Object): Promise<string>;
    createUser(properties: admin.auth.CreateRequest): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
    deleteUser(uid: string): Promise<void>;
    getUser(uid: string): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
    getUserByEmail(email: string): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
    getUserByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
    listUsers(maxResults?: number, pageToken?: string): Promise<admin.auth.ListUsersResult>;
    updateUser(uid: string, properties: admin.auth.UpdateRequest): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
    verifyIdToken(idToken: string, checkRevoked?: boolean): Promise<admin.auth.DecodedIdToken>;
    setCustomUserClaims(uid: string, customUserClaims: Object): Promise<void>;
    revokeRefreshTokens(uid: string): Promise<void>;
      users: admin.auth.UserImportRecord[],
      options?: admin.auth.UserImportOptions,
    ): Promise<admin.auth.UserImportResult>
      idToken: string,
      sessionCookieOptions: admin.auth.SessionCookieOptions,
    ): Promise<string>;
      sessionCookie: string,
      checkForRevocation?: boolean,
    ): Promise<admin.auth.DecodedIdToken>;
      email: string,
      actionCodeSettings?: admin.auth.ActionCodeSettings,
    ): Promise<string>;
      email: string,
      actionCodeSettings?: admin.auth.ActionCodeSettings,
    ): Promise<string>;
      email: string,
      actionCodeSettings: admin.auth.ActionCodeSettings,
    ): Promise<string>;

  interface Auth extends admin.auth.BaseAuth {

declare namespace admin.credential {
  interface Credential {
    getAccessToken(): Promise<admin.GoogleOAuthAccessToken>;

  function applicationDefault(httpAgent?: Agent): admin.credential.Credential;
  function cert(serviceAccountPathOrObject: string|admin.ServiceAccount, httpAgent?: Agent): admin.credential.Credential;
  function refreshToken(refreshTokenPathOrObject: string|Object, httpAgent?: Agent): admin.credential.Credential;

declare namespace admin.database {
  interface Database {

    goOffline(): void;
    goOnline(): void;
    ref(path?: string | admin.database.Reference): admin.database.Reference;
    refFromURL(url: string): admin.database.Reference;

  interface DataSnapshot {
    key: string|null;
    ref: admin.database.Reference;

    child(path: string): admin.database.DataSnapshot;
    exists(): boolean;
    exportVal(): any;
    forEach(action: (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot) => boolean | void): boolean;
    getPriority(): string|number|null;
    hasChild(path: string): boolean;
    hasChildren(): boolean;
    numChildren(): number;
    toJSON(): Object | null;
    val(): any;

  interface OnDisconnect {
    cancel(onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
    remove(onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
    set(value: any, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
      value: any,
      priority: number|string|null,
      onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any
    ): Promise<void>;
    update(values: Object, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;

  type EventType = 'value' | 'child_added' | 'child_changed' | 'child_moved' | 'child_removed';

  interface Query {
    ref: admin.database.Reference;

    endAt(value: number|string|boolean|null, key?: string): admin.database.Query;
    equalTo(value: number|string|boolean|null, key?: string): admin.database.Query;
    isEqual(other: admin.database.Query|null): boolean;
    limitToFirst(limit: number): admin.database.Query;
    limitToLast(limit: number): admin.database.Query;
      eventType?: admin.database.EventType,
      callback?: (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot, b?: string|null) => any,
      context?: Object|null
    ): void;
      eventType: admin.database.EventType,
      callback: (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot|null, b?: string) => any,
      cancelCallbackOrContext?: Object|null,
      context?: Object|null
    ): (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot|null, b?: string) => any;
      eventType: admin.database.EventType,
      successCallback?: (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot, b?: string) => any,
      failureCallbackOrContext?: Object|null,
      context?: Object|null
    ): Promise<admin.database.DataSnapshot>;
    orderByChild(path: string): admin.database.Query;
    orderByKey(): admin.database.Query;
    orderByPriority(): admin.database.Query;
    orderByValue(): admin.database.Query;
    startAt(value: number|string|boolean|null, key?: string): admin.database.Query;
    toJSON(): Object;
    toString(): string;

  interface Reference extends admin.database.Query {
    key: string|null;
    parent: admin.database.Reference|null;
    root: admin.database.Reference;
    path: string;

    child(path: string): admin.database.Reference;
    onDisconnect(): admin.database.OnDisconnect;
    push(value?: any, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): admin.database.ThenableReference;
    remove(onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
    set(value: any, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
      priority: string|number|null,
      onComplete: (a: Error|null) => any
    ): Promise<void>;
      newVal: any, newPriority: string|number|null,
      onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any
    ): Promise<void>;
      transactionUpdate: (a: any) => any,
      onComplete?: (a: Error|null, b: boolean, c: admin.database.DataSnapshot|null) => any,
      applyLocally?: boolean
    ): Promise<{
      committed: boolean,
      snapshot: admin.database.DataSnapshot|null
    update(values: Object, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;

  interface ThenableReference extends admin.database.Reference, PromiseLike<any> {}

  function enableLogging(logger?: boolean|((message: string) => any), persistent?: boolean): any;

declare namespace admin.database.ServerValue {
  var TIMESTAMP: number;

type BaseMessage = {
  data?: {[key: string]: string};
  notification?: admin.messaging.Notification;
  android?: admin.messaging.AndroidConfig;
  webpush?: admin.messaging.WebpushConfig;
  apns?: admin.messaging.ApnsConfig;

interface TokenMessage extends BaseMessage {
  token: string;

interface TopicMessage extends BaseMessage {
  topic: string;

interface ConditionMessage extends BaseMessage {
  condition: string;

declare namespace admin.messaging {
  type Message = TokenMessage | TopicMessage | ConditionMessage;

  type AndroidConfig = {
    collapseKey?: string;
    priority?: ('high'|'normal');
    ttl?: number;
    restrictedPackageName?: string;
    data?: {[key: string]: string};
    notification?: AndroidNotification;

  type AndroidNotification = {
    title?: string;
    body?: string;
    icon?: string;
    color?: string;
    sound?: string;
    tag?: string;
    clickAction?: string;
    bodyLocKey?: string;
    bodyLocArgs?: string[];
    titleLocKey?: string;
    titleLocArgs?: string[];
    channelId?: string;

  type ApnsConfig = {
    headers?: {[key: string]: string};
    payload?: ApnsPayload;

  type ApnsPayload = {
    aps: Aps;
    [customData: string]: object;

  type Aps = {
    alert?: string | ApsAlert;
    badge?: number;
    sound?: string | CriticalSound;
    contentAvailable?: boolean;
    mutableContent?: boolean;
    category?: string;
    threadId?: string;
    [customData: string]: any;

  type ApsAlert = {
    title?: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    body?: string;
    locKey?: string;
    locArgs?: string[];
    titleLocKey?: string;
    titleLocArgs?: string[];
    subtitleLocKey?: string;
    subtitleLocArgs?: string[];
    actionLocKey?: string;
    launchImage?: string;

  type CriticalSound = {
    critical?: boolean;
    name: string;
    volume?: number;

  type Notification = {
    title?: string;
    body?: string;

  type WebpushConfig = {
    headers?: {[key: string]: string};
    data?: {[key: string]: string};
    notification?: WebpushNotification;
    fcmOptions?: WebpushFcmOptions;

  interface WebpushFcmOptions {
    link?: string;

  interface WebpushNotification {
    title?: string;
    actions?: Array<{
      action: string;
      icon?: string;
      title: string;
    badge?: string;
    body?: string;
    data?: any;
    dir?: 'auto' | 'ltr' | 'rtl';
    icon?: string;
    image?: string;
    lang?: string;
    renotify?: boolean;
    requireInteraction?: boolean;
    silent?: boolean;
    tag?: string;
    timestamp?: number;
    vibrate?: number | number[];
    [key: string]: any;

  type DataMessagePayload = {
    [key: string]: string;

  type NotificationMessagePayload = {
    tag?: string;
    body?: string;
    icon?: string;
    badge?: string;
    color?: string;
    sound?: string;
    title?: string;
    bodyLocKey?: string;
    bodyLocArgs?: string;
    clickAction?: string;
    titleLocKey?: string;
    titleLocArgs?: string;
    [key: string]: string | undefined;

  type MessagingPayload = {
    data?: admin.messaging.DataMessagePayload;
    notification?: admin.messaging.NotificationMessagePayload;

  type MessagingOptions = {
    dryRun?: boolean;
    priority?: string;
    timeToLive?: number;
    collapseKey?: string;
    mutableContent?: boolean;
    contentAvailable?: boolean;
    restrictedPackageName?: string;
    [key: string]: any | undefined;

  type MessagingDeviceResult = {
    error?: admin.FirebaseError;
    messageId?: string;
    canonicalRegistrationToken?: string;

  type MessagingDevicesResponse = {
    canonicalRegistrationTokenCount: number;
    failureCount: number;
    multicastId: number;
    results: admin.messaging.MessagingDeviceResult[];
    successCount: number;

  type MessagingDeviceGroupResponse = {
    successCount: number;
    failureCount: number;
    failedRegistrationTokens: string[];

  type MessagingTopicResponse = {
    messageId: number;

  type MessagingConditionResponse = {
    messageId: number;

  type MessagingTopicManagementResponse = {
    failureCount: number;
    successCount: number;
    errors: admin.FirebaseArrayIndexError[];

  interface Messaging {

    send(message: admin.messaging.Message, dryRun?: boolean): Promise<string>;
      registrationToken: string | string[],
      payload: admin.messaging.MessagingPayload,
      options?: admin.messaging.MessagingOptions
    ): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingDevicesResponse>;
      notificationKey: string,
      payload: admin.messaging.MessagingPayload,
      options?: admin.messaging.MessagingOptions
    ): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingDeviceGroupResponse>;
      topic: string,
      payload: admin.messaging.MessagingPayload,
      options?: admin.messaging.MessagingOptions
    ): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicResponse>;
      condition: string,
      payload: admin.messaging.MessagingPayload,
      options?: admin.messaging.MessagingOptions
    ): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingConditionResponse>;
      registrationToken: string,
      topic: string
    ): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicManagementResponse>;
      registrationTokens: string[],
      topic: string
    ): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicManagementResponse>;
      registrationToken: string,
      topic: string
    ): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicManagementResponse>;
      registrationTokens: string[],
      topic: string
    ): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicManagementResponse>;

declare namespace {
  interface Storage {
    bucket(name?: string): Bucket;

declare namespace admin.firestore {
  export import CollectionReference = _firestore.CollectionReference;
  export import DocumentData = _firestore.DocumentData;
  export import DocumentReference = _firestore.DocumentReference;
  export import DocumentSnapshot = _firestore.DocumentSnapshot;
  export import FieldPath = _firestore.FieldPath;
  export import FieldValue = _firestore.FieldValue;
  export import Firestore = _firestore.Firestore;
  export import GeoPoint = _firestore.GeoPoint;
  export import Query = _firestore.Query;
  export import QueryDocumentSnapshot = _firestore.QueryDocumentSnapshot;
  export import QuerySnapshot = _firestore.QuerySnapshot;
  export import Timestamp = _firestore.Timestamp;
  export import Transaction = _firestore.Transaction;
  export import WriteBatch = _firestore.WriteBatch;
  export import WriteResult = _firestore.WriteResult;

  export import setLogFunction = _firestore.setLogFunction;

declare namespace admin.instanceId {
  interface InstanceId {

    deleteInstanceId(instanceId: string): Promise<void>;

declare namespace admin.projectManagement {
  interface ShaCertificate {
    certType: ('sha1' | 'sha256');
    shaHash: string;
    resourceName?: string;

  interface AndroidAppMetadata {
    resourceName: string;
    appId: string;
    displayName: string | null;
    projectId: string;
    packageName: string;

  interface AndroidApp {
    appId: string;

    getMetadata(): Promise<admin.projectManagement.AndroidAppMetadata>;
    setDisplayName(newDisplayName: string): Promise<void>;
    getShaCertificates(): Promise<admin.projectManagement.ShaCertificate[]>;
    addShaCertificate(certificateToAdd: ShaCertificate): Promise<void>;
    deleteShaCertificate(certificateToRemove: ShaCertificate): Promise<void>;
    getConfig(): Promise<string>;

  interface IosAppMetadata {
    resourceName: string;
    appId: string;
    displayName: string;
    projectId: string;
    bundleId: string;

  interface IosApp {
    appId: string;

    getMetadata(): Promise<admin.projectManagement.IosAppMetadata>;
    setDisplayName(newDisplayName: string): Promise<void>;
    getConfig(): Promise<string>;

  interface ProjectManagement {

    listAndroidApps(): Promise<admin.projectManagement.AndroidApp[]>;
    listIosApps(): Promise<admin.projectManagement.IosApp[]>;
    androidApp(appId: string): admin.projectManagement.AndroidApp;
    iosApp(appId: string): admin.projectManagement.IosApp;
    shaCertificate(shaHash: string): admin.projectManagement.ShaCertificate;
        packageName: string, displayName?: string): Promise<admin.projectManagement.AndroidApp>;
    createIosApp(bundleId: string, displayName?: string): Promise<admin.projectManagement.IosApp>;

declare module 'firebase-admin' {

export = admin;

Ответ №1:

Там нет ничего отличного от документации.

  1. Установите модуль firebase-admin.

     npm install firebase-admin
  2. Импортируйте модуль.

     import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
  3. Используйте firebase-admin стандартным способом. Вы можете использовать TokenMessage и другие, просто предоставив объект JavaScript для нужного метода:

        // This is an object of the TokenMessage interface type, because it has "token" property.
        token: 'your_token'
        // ...
        // And this is an object of the TopicMessage interface type.
        topic: 'your_topic'
        // ...

    См. Документацию firebase для отправки сообщений.

UPD.Если вы хотите использовать конкретные типы сообщений в качестве типа переменной или возвращаемого значения функции, вы не можете этого сделать, потому TokenMessage что и другие в index.d.ts определены вне любого пространства имен. Есть 2 способа обойти это:

  1. Используйте только общий Message тип, который объявлен в messaging пространстве имен как TokenMessage | TopicMessage | ConditionMessage :

         const yourMessage: admin.messaging.Message = {
            token: '',
            // ...
        function iReturnMessage(): admin.messaging.Message {
            return {
                token: ''
                // ...
  2. Если вы все еще хотите использовать конкретные типы сообщений, определите их в своем собственном коде (просто скопируйте его из index.d.ts ):

         type BaseMessage = {
            data?: {[key: string]: string};
            notification?: admin.messaging.Notification;
            android?: admin.messaging.AndroidConfig;
            webpush?: admin.messaging.WebpushConfig;
            apns?: admin.messaging.ApnsConfig;
        interface TokenMessage extends BaseMessage {
            token: string;
        interface TopicMessage extends BaseMessage {
            topic: string;
        interface ConditionMessage extends BaseMessage {
            condition: string;

    Пример использования:

         const yourMessage: TokenMessage = {
            token: '',
            // ...
        function iReturnMessage(): TokenMessage {
            return {
                token: ''
                // ...


1. Проблема в том, что я не могу создавать объекты TokenMessage

2. Вы не должны создавать TokenMessage. TokenMessage и другие — это просто интерфейсы, поэтому любой объект с соответствующими свойствами присваивает их. Просто создайте объект и используйте его.

3. Смотрите документацию по отправке сообщений .

4. Или вы хотите определить переменную типа TokenMessage ?