огурец не распознает мои шаги

#ruby-on-rails #cucumber

#ruby-on-rails #огурец


 Feature: Home page
As a HR manager of a company I am visiting the digipresent app for the first time
I want to be welcomed with a greeting 

    Scenario: User sees the welcome message
        When: he goes to home page
        Then: he should see the welcome message

Этот файл называется как features/home_page.feature

 When (/^he goes to the home page$/) do 
    visit root_path

Then (/^he should see the welcome message$/)do 
    expect(page).to have_content("Welcome to Present")

Этот файл присутствует в виде features/step_definitions/home_page_steps.rb

$cucumber --require features features/home_page.feature когда я делаю это, шаги не распознаются.

 Feature: Home page
As a HR manager of a company I am visiting the digipresent app for the first time
I want to be welcomed with a greeting 

  Scenario: User sees the welcome message # features/home_page.feature:5
        When: he goes to home page
        Then: he should see the welcome message

1 scenario (1 passed)
0 steps

Ответ №1:

После when и then нет точки с запятой

 Scenario: User sees the welcome message
    When he goes to home page
    Then he should see the welcome message

Это должно сработать