#python #matplotlib #jupyter-notebook #data-visualization
#python #matplotlib #jupyter-ноутбук #визуализация данных
Я строю следующую столбчатую диаграмму с накоплением, используя matplotlib, и я хотел бы показать общее количество просмотров (всей панели) поверх каждой столбчатой диаграммы с накоплением. Это код, который я использую для создания графика:
okrViews = okrs_results['Page Views'].tolist()
blogViews = blog_results['Page Views'].tolist()
landingPageViews = landing_page_results['Page Views'].tolist()
teamsViews = teams_results['Page Views'].tolist()
eventsViews = events_results['Page Views'].tolist()
initiativesViews = initiatives_results['Page Views'].tolist()
toolsViews = tools_results['Page Views'].tolist()
indx = np.arange(len(months))
# Calculate starting position for each bar
okrsAndBlogs = [i j for i,j in zip(okrViews, blogViews)]
okrsBlogsLanding = [i j for i,j in zip(landingPageViews, okrsAndBlogs)]
four = [i j for i,j in zip(teamsViews, okrsBlogsLanding)]
five = [i j for i,j in zip(eventsViews, four)]
six = [i j for i,j in zip(initiativesViews, five)]
# Set figure size
# Add each bar
graphBlogs = plt.bar(x = indx, height = blogViews, width = .45, color='tab:blue', label = 'Blogs')
graphOkrs = plt.bar(x = indx, height = okrViews, width = .45, color='tab:pink', bottom = blogViews, label = 'OKRs')
graphLanding = plt.bar(x = indx, height = landingPageViews, width = .45, color='green', bottom = okrsAndBlogs, label = 'Landing Page')
graphTeams = plt.bar(x = indx, height = teamsViews, width = .45, color='orange', bottom = okrsBlogsLanding, label = 'Teams')
graphEvents = plt.bar(x = indx, height = eventsViews, width = .45, color='tab:olive', bottom = four, label = 'Events')
graphInitiatives = plt.bar(x = indx, height = initiativesViews, width = .45, color='tab:purple', bottom = five, label = 'Initiatives; Risk and Data Privacy')
graphTools = plt.bar(x = indx, height = toolsViews, width = .45, color='tab:cyan', bottom = six, label = 'Tools')
# Set labels
plt.xticks(indx, months)
plt.ylabel("Total Views")
plt.title('Views per Day, Grouped by Month, YTD')
Как бы я это сделал? Чтобы объяснить подробнее, я хотел бы иметь ~ 10 000 выше январского столбика с накоплением, ~ 8 000 выше февральского и так далее. Заранее спасибо!
Ответ №1:
Обновление: я понял это, мне просто нужно было суммировать его вручную, затем я использовал plt.text
. В предыдущей ячейке я инициализировал months
список названий месяцев.
monthTotals = []
for month in months:
total = 0
total = int(okrs_results[okrs_results['Month'] == month]['Page Views'])
total = int(blog_results[blog_results['Month'] == month]['Page Views'])
total = int(landing_page_results[landing_page_results['Month'] == month]['Page Views'])
total = int(teams_results[teams_results['Month'] == month]['Page Views'])
total = int(events_results[events_results['Month'] == month]['Page Views'])
total = int(initiatives_results[initiatives_results['Month'] == month]['Page Views'])
total = int(tools_results[initiatives_results['Month'] == month]['Page Views'])
okrViews = okrs_results['Page Views'].tolist()
blogViews = blog_results['Page Views'].tolist()
landingPageViews = landing_page_results['Page Views'].tolist()
teamsViews = teams_results['Page Views'].tolist()
eventsViews = events_results['Page Views'].tolist()
initiativesViews = initiatives_results['Page Views'].tolist()
toolsViews = tools_results['Page Views'].tolist()
indx = np.arange(len(months))
# Calculate starting position for each bar
okrsAndBlogs = [i j for i,j in zip(okrViews, blogViews)]
okrsBlogsLanding = [i j for i,j in zip(landingPageViews, okrsAndBlogs)]
four = [i j for i,j in zip(teamsViews, okrsBlogsLanding)]
five = [i j for i,j in zip(eventsViews, four)]
six = [i j for i,j in zip(initiativesViews, five)]
# Set figure size
# Add each bar
graphBlogs = plt.bar(x = indx, height = blogViews, width = .45, color='tab:blue', label = 'Blogs')
graphOkrs = plt.bar(x = indx, height = okrViews, width = .45, color='tab:pink', bottom = blogViews, label = 'OKRs')
graphLanding = plt.bar(x = indx, height = landingPageViews, width = .45, color='green', bottom = okrsAndBlogs, label = 'Landing Page')
graphTeams = plt.bar(x = indx, height = teamsViews, width = .45, color='orange', bottom = okrsBlogsLanding, label = 'Teams')
graphEvents = plt.bar(x = indx, height = eventsViews, width = .45, color='tab:olive', bottom = four, label = 'Events')
graphInitiatives = plt.bar(x = indx, height = initiativesViews, width = .45, color='tab:purple', bottom = five, label = 'Initiatives; Risk and Data Privacy')
graphTools = plt.bar(x = indx, height = toolsViews, width = .45, color='tab:cyan', bottom = six, label = 'Tools')
# Show sum on each stacked bar
for i, v in enumerate(monthTotals):
if v != 0:
plt.text(indx[i] - .2, v, str(v))
# Set labels
plt.xticks(indx, months)
plt.ylabel("Total Views")
plt.title('Views per Day, Grouped by Month, YTD')