#python #maya
#python #майя #maya
Я хочу записать свои значения анимации в текстовый файл и прочитать их, поэтому мне нужен способ связать эти значения для поворота start и rotate с моей функцией экспорта и импорта.
def animation():
selectionList = cmds.ls(selection=True , l = True )
#slider = cmds.intSliderGrp("frames", visible=True, field=True, min=1, max=5000, value=200, step=1 )
if len(selectionList) >=1:
startTime = cmds.playbackOptions( query=True, minTime=True)
endTime = cmds.playbackOptions( query=True, maxTime=True)
startValue = cmds.intSliderGrp(rotStart, q= True,value =True)
endValue = cmds.intSliderGrp(rotEnd, q= True,value =True)
for objectName in selectionList:
#objectTypeResult = cmds.objectType( objectName )
#print '%s type: %s' % ( objectName, objectTypeResult )
cmds.cutKey( objectName, time=(startTime, endTime), attribute='rotateY')# remove prevouis Keys and gets rotatye Y
cmds.setKeyframe( objectName, time=startTime, attribute='rotateY', value=startValue)#value of key startime
cmds.setKeyframe( objectName, time=endTime, attribute='rotateY', value=endValue)
def exportToTxtFile (): # export function
global presetNameStartStr
global presetNameEndStr
filePath = cmds.fileDialog2(dialogStyle=2, fm=1)
print filePath
fileHandle = open(filePath[0],'w')
fileHandle.write("This is a .txt file")
def importFromTxtFile (): # import function
global presetNameStartStr
global presetNameEndStr
extensionLimitation = "Maya Files (*.txt)"
filePath = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter = extensionLimitation, dialogStyle=2, fm=4)
fileHandle = open(filePath[0],'r')
presetString = fileHandle.read()
print presetString
splitPresetList = string.split(s = presetString, sep = presetNameStartStr)
del splitPresetList[0]
for i in splitPresetList:
endPos = string.find(i,presetNameEndStr)
namePreset = i[:endPos]
print namePreset
Ответ №1:
У меня есть решение для вас с помощью json, я думаю, что это намного проще, чем использовать txt-файл.
import maya.cmds as cmds
import json
def saveJson(path, data):
with open(path, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
def loadJson(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
data = json.load(fp)
return data
# list of objects
objectNames = ['pSphere1']
# list of attributes
attributes = ['rotateY']
# dictionary to store data
data = {}
# this maya path for data defined by your setProject
path = cmds.workspace(expandName = 'data')
# i like to put json as extension but you can put any extension you want or even none
filename = 'attributes.json'
fullpath = path '/' filename
# beginning the storage
for o in objectNames:
for attr in attributes:
# all the time value
frames = cmds.keyframe(o, q=1, at=attr)
# all the attribute value associated
values = cmds.keyframe(o, q=1, at=attr, valueChange=True)
# store it in the dictionary with key 'objectName.attribute'
data['{}.{}'.format(o, attr)]=zip(frames, values)
# clear the keys on the object
cmds.cutKey( o, attribute=attr, option="keys")
# save the file data
saveJson(fullpath, data)
# ============================================================
# =============================================================
# load the dictionary back
new_data = loadJson(fullpath)
# set values again
for k, v in new_data.iteritems():
for t, x in v:
o, a = k.split('.')
cmds.setKeyframe( o, time=t, attribute=a, value=x)