Нужна помощь в сортировке даты и высоты в python




Основываясь на текстовой информации, мне необходимо найти для каждого дня самый низкий и самый высокий прилив в метрах и распечатать их на экране для каждого дня.

 Thursday 4 January,11.58,0.38 meters
Thursday 4 January,16.95,0.73 meters
Thursday 4 January,23.68,0.02 meters
Friday 5 January,6.48,0.83 meters
Friday 5 January,12.42,0.33 meters
Friday 5 January,17.92,0.75 meters
Saturday 6 January,0.5,0.02 meters
Saturday 6 January,7.18,0.85 meters
Saturday 6 January,13.2,0.29 meters
Saturday 6 January,18.82,0.75 meters

желаемый результат будет примерно таким:

 Thursday 4 January: 0.02 meters at lowest and 0.73 meters at highest
friday 5 January: 0.33 meters at lowest and 0.83 meters at highest

Мне удалось вызвать текстовый файл и распечатать его в нужном формате, но я понятия не имею, как отсортировать его в этом формате.

 aFile = open('C:\Users\User\PycharmProjects\Tides.txt')
for line in aFile:
    line = line.strip()
    line = line.replace('meters', '')
    print(f": {[line]}")

Пожалуйста, помогите, новичок в Python здесь


1. Используйте line.split(',') и посмотрите, что произойдет с line .

Ответ №1:

С помощью модуля csv и collections .


 import csv
from collections import defaultdict

result = defaultdict(list)

with open(filename) as infile:
    reader = csv.reader(infile)
    for line in reader:

for k, v in result.items():
    print("{}: {} meters at lowest and {} meters at highest".format(k, min(v), max(v)))


 Saturday 6 January: 0.02 meters at lowest and 0.85 meters at highest
Friday 5 January: 0.33 meters at lowest and 0.83 meters at highest
Thursday 4 January: 0.02 meters at lowest and 0.73 meters at highest

Ответ №2:

Попробуй это :

 aFile = open('tides.txt')
d = {}
for line in aFile:
    line = line.strip()
    line = line.replace('meters', '')
    # After this split the line wrt ,
    line = line.split(',')
    # Assign the day as key and the the tide height as value inside value list 
    if line[0] in d:
        d[line[0]] = [line[-1]]
for k in d:
    print(k, ":", min(d[k]), " meters at lowest and ", max(d[k]), " meters at highest")


 Thursday 4 January : 0.02   meters at lowest and  0.73   meters at highest
Friday 5 January : 0.33   meters at lowest and  0.83   meters at highest
Saturday 6 January : 0.02   meters at lowest and  0.85   meters at highest