#r #datetime
#r #datetime
Я пытаюсь вычислить часы между 2 разами (дата создания сообщения и дата открытия сообщения). Я использовал следующий код для создания функции
biz_hrs <- Vectorize(function(CreateDate, OpenedDate, starting_time = '8:00', ending_time = '17:00', holidays = NULL){
if(OpenedDate < CreateDate){
} else {
start_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11), starting_time, ':00'))
end_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(end,1,11), ending_time, ':00'))
if(as.Date(CreateDate) == as.Date(OpenedDate) amp; !as.Date(CreateDate) %in% holidays amp; !format(as.Date(CreateDate), "%u") %in% c(6,7)){ #if starting time stamp is on same day as ending time stamp and if day is not a holiday or weekend
if(CreateDate > start_datetime amp; OpenedDate < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
return(as.numeric(difftime(OpenedDate, CreateDate), units = 'hours'))
} else if(CreateDate > start_datetime amp; OpenedDate > end_datetime amp; CreateDate < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
return(as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11), ending_time, ':00')), CreateDate), units = 'hours'))
} else if(CreateDate < start_datetime amp; OpenedDate < end_datetime amp; OpenedDate > start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than starting business hour.
return(as.numeric(difftime(OpenedDate, start_datetime), units = 'hours'))
} else if(CreateDate > end_datetime amp; OpenedDate > end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than ending business hour.
} else if(CreateDate < start_datetime amp; OpenedDate < start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier than starting business hour.
} else {
return(as.numeric(difftime(end_datetime, start_datetime), units = 'hours'))
} else { #if starting time stamp and ending time stamp occured on a different day.
business_hrs <- as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01', ending_time, ':00')),
as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01', starting_time, ':00')) #calculate business hours range by specified parameters
), units = 'hours')
start_day_hrs <- ifelse(CreateDate < as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11), ending_time, ':00')) amp; !as.Date(CreateDate) %in% holidays amp; !format(as.Date(CreateDate), "%u") %in% c(6,7), #if start time stamp is earlier than specified ending time
as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11), ending_time, ':00')), CreateDate), units = 'hours'), #calculate time between time stamp and specified ending time
0 #else set zero
) #calculate amount of time on starting day
start_day_hrs <- pmin(start_day_hrs, business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
end_day_hrs <- ifelse(OpenedDate > as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(end,1,11), starting_time, ':00')) amp; !as.Date(OpenedDate) %in% holidays amp; !format(as.Date(OpenedDate), "%u") %in% c(6,7), #if end time stamp is later than specified starting time
as.numeric(difftime(end, as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(end,1,11), starting_time, ':00'))), units = 'hours'), #calculate time between time stamp and specified starting time
0) #calculate amount of time on ending day
end_day_hrs <- pmin(end_day_hrs, business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
days_between <- seq(as.Date(CreateDate), as.Date(OpenedDate), by = 1) #create a vector of dates (from and up to including) the starting time stamp and ending time stamp
business_days <- days_between[!days_between %in% c(as.Date(CreateDate), as.Date(OpenedDate)) amp; !days_between %in% holidays amp; !format(as.Date(days_between), "%u") %in% c(6,7)] #remove weekends and holidays from vector of dates
return(as.numeric(((length(business_days) * business_hrs) start_day_hrs end_day_hrs))) #multiply the remaining number of days in the vector (business days) by the amount of business hours and add hours from the starting and end day. Return the result
и затем ввод в мои данные
Weekly_Final$ResponseTime <- biz_hrs(Weekly_Final$CreateDate, Weekly_Final$OpenedDate, '8:00', '17:00')
Но я получаю следующую ошибку:
Error in as.character(x) :
cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'
1. Поскольку у нас нет данных для запуска этого и нет указания, где в этой функции возникает ошибка, я предлагаю: (1) определить функцию извне,
myfunc <- function(CreateDate,...){...}
; (2) затем выполнитеdebug(myfunc)
; и, наконец, (3)Vectorize(myfunc)(Weekly_Final$CreateDate,...)
. Попробуйте каждую строку вашей функции, одну за другой, и найдите ту, которая выдает эту ошибку. Как только вы обнаружите это, посмотрите на все аргументы (переменные / объекты), которые входят в эту строку кода, и найдите тот, который не соответствует вашим ожиданиям.
Ответ №1:
Основываясь на предложении Аллана. Функция довольно громоздкая. Мы можем векторизовать функцию, используя комбинацию lubridate
и bizdays
package. Проблема действительно заключается в нахождении количества рабочих дней между двумя датами с поправкой на часы открытия и закрытия. Прежде всего, нам нужно было бы переместить дни вперед, чтобы убедиться, что они соответствуют часам открытия и закрытия.
Немного повозившись с использованием hms
класса (час-минута-секунда) из lubridate, мы можем создать функцию для сдвига дат.
cal <- create.calendar('mycal', weekdays = c('saturday', 'sunday'))
open <- hms('08:00:00')
close <- hms('17:00:00')
start <- as_datetime('2017-05-10 18:00:00') # After closing time, so real date = '2017-05-11 08:00:00'
end <- as_datetime('2017-05-11 12:00:00') # 4 hours after open
fix_biz_date <- function(date, open, close){
date <- lubridate::as_datetime(date)
time <- hms(strftime(date, '%H:%M:%S'))
# Fix dates
ind <- which(time >= close)
if(length(ind) > 0)
date[ind] <- date[ind] days(1)
# Fix times
ind <- c(ind, which(time < open))
if(length(ind) > 0){
hour(date[ind]) <- hour(open)
minute(date[ind]) <- minute(open)
second(date[ind]) <- second(open)
fix_biz_date(start, open, close)
[1] "2017-05-11 08:00:00 UTC"
fix_biz_date(end, open, close)
[1] "2017-05-11 12:00:00 UTC"
Теперь, когда мы соответствующим образом сдвинули даты, нам просто нужна функция для определения количества рабочих дней и часов между ними.
#' @param start Starting date-time
#' @param end Ending date-time
#' @param cal calendar object (bizdays::create.calendar)
#' @param open hm(s) second object (lubridate::hms), specifying opening time of day
#' @param open hm(s) second object (lubridate::hms), specifying closing time of day
wh_diff <- function(start, end, cal, open, close){
if(length(start) != length(end))
stop('start and end needs to be of equal length!')
open <- hms(open)
close <- hms(close)
start <- fix_biz_date(start, open, close)
end <- fix_biz_date(end, open, close)
sTime <- strftime(start, '%H:%M:%S')
eTime <- strftime(end, '%H:%M:%S')
days_dif <- bizdays(start, end, cal)
days_dif * (as.numeric(close - open) / 3600)
as.numeric(hms(eTime) - hms(sTime)) / 3600
wh_diff(start, end, cal, open, close) # Expected 4 hours.
[1] 4
Теперь эта функция фактически векторизована соответствующим образом и будет принимать равное количество начальных и конечных дат или одну, начинающуюся с нескольких конечных дат (или наоборот).
end <- offset(end, seq(0, 180, length.out = 91), cal)
wh_diff(start, end, cal, open, close) # something like.. seq(0, 18 * 91, length.out = 91)
start <- offset(start, 0:90, cal)
wh_diff(start, end, cal, open, close) # Expect seq(9, 9 * 91, length.out = 91)
Этот подход будет в десятки раз быстрее, чем использование, vectorize
которое создаст пару for-loops
закулисных ситуаций для выполнения работы. Однако это потребовало немного воображения и некоторого опыта работы с датами.
Ответ №2:
В какой-то момент вы допустили ошибку при переименовании переменных. Вы получаете ошибку при вызове, substr(start, 1, 11)
потому что не вызывается переменная start
. R думает, что вы имеете в виду вызванную функцию start
. Я предполагаю, что CreateDate
раньше вызывался start
и OpenedDate
раньше вызывался end
. Если мы просто обновим их, то функция вернет результат
biz_hrs <- Vectorize(function(CreateDate, OpenedDate, starting_time = '8:00', ending_time = '17:00', holidays = NULL){
if(OpenedDate < CreateDate){
} else {
start_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(CreateDate,1,11), starting_time, ':00'))
end_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(OpenedDate,1,11), ending_time, ':00'))
if(as.Date(CreateDate) == as.Date(OpenedDate) amp; !as.Date(CreateDate) %in% holidays amp; !format(as.Date(CreateDate), "%u") %in% c(6,7)){ #if starting time stamp is on same day as ending time stamp and if day is not a holiday or weekend
if(CreateDate > start_datetime amp; OpenedDate < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
return(as.numeric(difftime(OpenedDate, CreateDate), units = 'hours'))
} else if(CreateDate > start_datetime amp; OpenedDate > end_datetime amp; CreateDate < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
return(as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11), ending_time, ':00')), CreateDate), units = 'hours'))
} else if(CreateDate < start_datetime amp; OpenedDate < end_datetime amp; OpenedDate > start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than starting business hour.
return(as.numeric(difftime(OpenedDate, start_datetime), units = 'hours'))
} else if(CreateDate > end_datetime amp; OpenedDate > end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than ending business hour.
} else if(CreateDate < start_datetime amp; OpenedDate < start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier than starting business hour.
} else {
return(as.numeric(difftime(end_datetime, start_datetime), units = 'hours'))
} else { #if starting time stamp and ending time stamp occured on a different day.
business_hrs <- as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01', ending_time, ':00')),
as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01', starting_time, ':00')) #calculate business hours range by specified parameters
), units = 'hours')
start_day_hrs <- ifelse(CreateDate < as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(CreateDate,1,11), ending_time, ':00')) amp; !as.Date(CreateDate) %in% holidays amp; !format(as.Date(CreateDate), "%u") %in% c(6,7), #if start time stamp is earlier than specified ending time
as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(CreateDate,1,11), ending_time, ':00')), CreateDate), units = 'hours'), #calculate time between time stamp and specified ending time
0 #else set zero
) #calculate amount of time on starting day
start_day_hrs <- pmin(start_day_hrs, business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
end_day_hrs <- ifelse(OpenedDate > as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(OpenedDate,1,11), starting_time, ':00')) amp; !as.Date(OpenedDate) %in% holidays amp; !format(as.Date(OpenedDate), "%u") %in% c(6,7), #if end time stamp is later than specified starting time
as.numeric(difftime(end, as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(OpenedDate,1,11), starting_time, ':00'))), units = 'hours'), #calculate time between time stamp and specified starting time
0) #calculate amount of time on ending day
end_day_hrs <- pmin(end_day_hrs, business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
days_between <- seq(as.Date(CreateDate), as.Date(OpenedDate), by = 1) #create a vector of dates (from and up to including) the starting time stamp and ending time stamp
business_days <- days_between[!days_between %in% c(as.Date(CreateDate), as.Date(OpenedDate)) amp; !days_between %in% holidays amp; !format(as.Date(days_between), "%u") %in% c(6,7)] #remove weekends and holidays from vector of dates
return(as.numeric(((length(business_days) * business_hrs) start_day_hrs end_day_hrs))) #multiply the remaining number of days in the vector (business days) by the amount of business hours and add hours from the starting and end day. Return the result
Так что:
biz_hrs("2001-05-07", "2001-05-08")
#> 2001-05-07
#> 9
Я не знаю, соответствует ли это вашим ожиданиям.
Кроме того, вам следует ознакомиться с lubridate
пакетом, который позволит вам упростить и сократить ваш код. Это значительно упростит отладку.
Я думаю, что следующая простая функция является аккуратной заменой для biz_hrs
, которая сохраняет интерфейс
biz_hrs <- function(CreateDate, OpenedDate, start_time = '8:00',
end_time = '17:00', holidays = NULL)
begin <- as.Date(CreateDate)
end <- as.Date(OpenedDate)
hours <- as.numeric(strsplit(end_time, ":")[[1]][1]) -
as.numeric(strsplit(start_time, ":")[[1]][1])
sapply(seq_along(begin), function(i) {
if(begin[i] > end[i]) NA
else {
all_days <- seq(begin[i], end[i], "1 day")
sum(hours * (wday(all_days) %in% 2:6 amp; is.na(match(all_days, holidays))))