Нужен код, позволяющий пользователю совершать повторные попытки




Я новичок в программировании, поэтому пытаюсь создать игру «Камень, ножницы, бумага». Я почти завершил игру, но когда пользователь и компьютер вводят одинаковое число, я хочу, чтобы программа повторялась до тех пор, пока один из игроков не выиграет. Как я могу это сделать? Любая помощь приветствуется. Вот мой код.

 game = input("Want to play Rock Paper Scissors? (Y/N) ")
if game == "Y":
  print("1 = Rock, 2 = Paper, 3 = Scissors")
  user = int(input("You have one chance of beating me. Input a number. "))

  import random

  computer = random.randint(1,3)

  if user == 1 and computer == 1:
    print("Must play again! We both played Rock!")
  elif user == 1 and computer == 2:
    print("You lose! You played Rock and I played Paper!")
  elif user == 1 and computer == 3:
    print("You win! You played Rock and I played Scissors!")
  elif user == 2 and computer == 1:
    print("You win! You played Paper and I played Rock!")
  elif user == 2 and computer == 2:
    print("Must play again! We both played Paper!")
  elif user == 2 and computer == 3:
    print("You lose! You played Paper and I played Scissors!")
  elif user == 3 and computer == 1:
    print("You lose! You played Scissors and I played Rock!")
  elif user == 3 and computer == 2:
    print("You win! You played Scissors and I played Paper!")
  elif user == 3 and computer == 3:
    print("Must play again! We both played Scissors!")
    print("Not a number.")  
  print("Fine. Bye.")  


1. Поместите этот код в while True

2. Что это дает?

3. Бесконечный цикл .

Ответ №1:

Вы могли бы поместить весь if-elif-блок в цикл while, который будет повторяться до тех пор, пока у вас не будет победителя. Чтобы определить, есть ли победитель, используйте логическую переменную.

 winner = False
while not winner:
    if ...... ## Your if-elif-block

    elif user == 1 and computer == 2:
        print("You lose! You played Rock and I played Paper!")
        winner = True

    ## Your remaining if-elif-block


Вы помещаете команду winner=True только в командные блоки условий, в которых есть победитель. Итак, цикл будет продолжаться до тех пор, пока вы не выполните одно из этих условий.

Вы также могли бы использовать более продвинутую переменную победителя (0 для ничьей, 1 для игрока, 2 для компьютера), чтобы использовать значение в прощальном сообщении.

Ответ №2:

Одним из способов было бы использовать цикл while, прерывающийся при выполнении условия.

 while True:
    if (condition):

Оператор while повторяет цикл до тех пор, пока не будет выполнено одно из условий. Оператор break заставляет программу выйти из цикла и перейти к следующему исполняемому оператору.

Ответ №3:

(чтобы узнать больше, загуглите что-нибудь в кавычках 🙂

использование «цикла while» для создания «игрового цикла». Я научился этому при создании небольших игр на Python. Кроме того, вы хотите научиться использовать «классы», поскольку логику и код можно улучшить, используя «концепции ООП».T-код был протестирован и работает.

 import random

#Create a "function" that meets the requirements of a "game loop"
def gameloop():
    game = input("Want to play Rock Paper Scissors? (Y/N) ")

    if game == "Y":

         #Create a "while loop" to host the logic of the game. 
         #Each If statement will enable one "rule" of the game logic.
         #game logic could be redesigned as an "Event".
         #You can add a game "Event System" to your future project backlog

        winner = False
        while not winner:
            print("1 = Rock, 2 = Paper, 3 = Scissors")
            user = int(
                input("You have one chance of beating me. Input a number. "))

            computer = random.randint(1, 3)

            if user == 1 and computer == 2:
                print("You lose! You played Rock and I played Paper!")
                winner = True

            elif user == 1 and computer == 3:
                print("You win! You played Rock and I played Scissors!")
                winner = True

            elif user == 2 and computer == 1:
                print("You win! You played Paper and I played Rock!")
                winner = True

            elif user == 2 and computer == 3:
                print("You lose! You played Paper and I played Scissors!")
                winner = True

            elif user == 3 and computer == 1:
                print("You lose! You played Scissors and I played Rock!")
                winner = True

            elif user == 3 and computer == 2:
                print("You win! You played Scissors and I played Paper!")
                winner = True

            elif user == 1 and computer == 1:
                print("Must play again! We both played Rock!")

            elif user == 2 and computer == 2:
                print("Must play again! We both played Paper!")

            elif user == 3 and computer == 3:
                print("Must play again! We both played Scissors!")

                print("Not a number.")


Я тоже нашел время, чтобы создать пример класса ООП! его можно было бы оптимизировать многими способами. Тем не менее, я надеюсь, что это покажет вам следующий уровень изучения! Я также надеюсь, что это поможет вам разобраться во всех сумасшедших шаблонах проектирования и методах программирования игр, которые вы можете применить по мере обучения.

 import random

# we can create a player class to be used as an "interface" as we design the games logic
# this will let us scale the features be build in our game
# in this case i will leave it to you to add Wins to the scoreboard to help you learn

class player:
    # your games requerment wants your players to make a choice from 1-3
    choice = 0
    # your games may requerment a player to be defined as the winner
    win = 0
    # your games may requerment a player to be defined as the losser
    loss = 0

class game:
    # by using classes and OOP we can scale the data and logic of your game
    # here we create instances of the class player and define new objects based on your "requerments"
    # your "requerments" where to have one Computer as a player, and one user as a player
    computer = player()
    user = player()

    # this "function" will create a Scoreboard feature that can be called in the 'game loop' or in a future "event" of the game.
    # Like a "Game Stats stage" at the end of the game
    def Scoreboard(self, computer, user):
        Computer = computer.loss
        User = user.loss
        print(" ============= FINAL RESULTS: SCOREBOARD!! ======  ")
        print(" ")
        print("Computer losses: ", Computer)
        print("Player losses: ", User)
        print(" ")

    # Create a "function" that meets the requirements of a "game loop"
    def main_loop(self, computer, user):
        gameinput = input("Want to play Rock Paper Scissors? (Y/N) ")

        if gameinput == "Y":

           # Create a "while loop" to host the logic of the game.
           # Each If statement will enable one "rule" of the game logic.
           # game logic could be redesigned as an "Event".
           # You can add a game "Event System" to your future project backlog

            winner = False
            while not winner:
                print("1 = Rock, 2 = Paper, 3 = Scissors")

                # we create 'Player1' as the user
                Player1 = user
                # we change the 'Player1' 'choice' to the user input
                Player1.choice = int(
                    input("You have one chance of beating me. Input a number. "))

                # we pull in to the game the computer player and call them 'Player1'
                Player2 = computer
                # we change the 'Player2' 'choice' to a random number
                Player2.choice = random.randint(1, 3)

                if user.choice == 1 and computer.choice == 2:
                    print("You lose! You played Rock and I played Paper!")
                    winner = True
                    user.loss  = 1
                elif user.choice == 1 and computer.choice == 3:
                    print("You win! You played Rock and I played Scissors!")
                    winner = True
                    computer.loss  = 1
                elif user.choice == 2 and computer.choice == 1:
                    print("You win! You played Paper and I played Rock!")
                    winner = True
                    computer.loss  = 1
                elif user.choice == 2 and computer.choice == 3:
                    print("You lose! You played Paper and I played Scissors!")
                    winner = True
                    user.loss  = 1
                elif user.choice == 3 and computer.choice == 1:
                    print("You lose! You played Scissors and I played Rock!")
                    winner = True
                    user.loss  = 1
                elif user.choice == 3 and computer.choice == 2:
                    print("You win! You played Scissors and I played Paper!")
                    winner = True
                    computer.loss  = 1
                elif user.choice == 1 and computer.choice == 1:
                    print("Must play again! We both played Rock!")
                elif user.choice == 2 and computer.choice == 2:
                    print("Must play again! We both played Paper!")
                elif user.choice == 3 and computer.choice == 3:
                    print("Must play again! We both played Scissors!")
                    print("Not a number.")
            # by returning "self" you call the same 'instances' of game that you will define below
            return self.Scoreboard(user, computer)

# define Instance of game as "test_game"
test_game = game()

# run game loop
