Загрузка JS-дерева из JSON в ASP.Net 3.5 и MVC 2.0

#jquery #asp.net-mvc-2 #treeview #asp.net-3.5 #jstree

#jquery #asp.net-mvc-2 #просмотр дерева #asp.net-3.5 #jstree


Всем привет,

я пытаюсь написать небольшой пример для создания дерева с использованием Jstree amp; Query (коммиты новой версии) в ASP.Net 3.5 и MVC 2.0. Я должен сделать это с помощью этих технологий.

Когда я пытаюсь загрузить данные в формате JSON, дерево не загружается. Он просто показывает диалоговое окно java script (ошибка / неизвестно) и отображает «Загрузка …». Вот и все.

Не могли бы вы, пожалуйста, помочь мне взглянуть на прилагаемое полное решение?

Если у вас есть какое-либо рабочее решение в MVC и JSON для загрузки дерева с использованием json, jquery, jstree с функциональностью добавления / удаления / переименования / создания для справки, пожалуйста, поделитесь им.

Код: Мой вид Index.aspx:

 <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
    Home Page

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
    <h2><%= Html.Encode(ViewData["Message"]) %></h2>
        To learn more about ASP.NET MVC visit <a href="http://asp.net/mvc" title="ASP.NET MVC Website">http://asp.net/mvc</a>.
    <script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.6.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../../Scripts/jquery.jstree.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../../Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    var GetStudentsURL = '<%= Url.Action("GetTreeData", "Home")%>';

function OnGetNodes(n) {

    //basically, these are the parameters to be passed to the server code [they MUST match exaclty, casing and all]
    var obj = {
        id: n.attr ? n.attr("id") : "0"
    return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(obj);

function OnNodesRetrievedSuccess(data, textstatus, xhr) {

    //the ".d" is a security feature, annoying, but necessary
    return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(data.d);

function OnNodesRetrievedError(xhr, textstatus, errorThrown) {

    //document.location = "/MyErrorPage.aspx?errMsg=" errorThrown;
$(function () {
        plugins: ["themes", "json_data", "checkbox", "crrm"],
        json_data: {
            ajax: {
                url: GetStudentsURL,
                async: true,
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                dataType: "text json",
                //dataType: "text json",
                type: "POST",
                data: function (n) {
                    return OnGetNodes(n);
                success: function (data, textstatus, xhr) {
                    return OnNodesRetrievedSuccess(data, textstatus, xhr)
                error: function (xhr, textstatus, errorThrown) {
                    OnNodesRetrievedError(xhr, textstatus, errorThrown)
            <div id="treeview">

Мой домашний контроллер»

 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using  System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using System.Web.Script.Services;
using jsTreeDemo.Models;

namespace MyJSTreeDemo.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewData["Message"] = "TreeView Demo";

            return View();

        public ActionResult About()
            return View();

        public string GetTreeData(string id)
            List<AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject> results = new List<AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject>();


            //this should be the first call from the tree to initialize

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) | id == "0")
                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_0_0_1", "U.S.A.", "#", true));
                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_0_0_2", "Canada", "#", true));

                //Get Child Nodes

                //these are subsequent calls to populate the tree nodes
                string[] nodeInfo = id.Split('_');
                string nodeTree = nodeInfo[0];
                int nodeLevel = Convert.ToInt32(nodeInfo[1]);
                int nodeParentId = Convert.ToInt32(nodeInfo[2]);
                int nodeId = Convert.ToInt32(nodeInfo[3]);

                //this would be better as a database lookup or some hierarchical tree structure

                switch (nodeTree)
                    //WHICH TREE?

                    case "TREE1":

                        switch (nodeLevel)
                            //WHICH LEVEL?

                            case 0:

                                switch (nodeParentId)
                                    //WHICH PARENT?

                                    case 0:
                                        //no parent

                                        switch (nodeId)
                                            //WHICH NODE?

                                            case 1:

                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_1", "Alabama", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_2", "Alaska", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_3", "Arizona", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_4", "Arkansas", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_5", "California", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_6", "Colorado", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_7", "Connecticut", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_8", "Delaware", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_9", "Florida", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_10", "Georgia", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_11", "Hawaii", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_12", "Idaho", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_13", "Illinois", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_14", "Indiana", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_15", "Iowa", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_16", "Kansas", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_17", "Kentucky", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_18", "Louisiana", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_19", "Maine", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_20", "Maryland", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_21", "Massachusetts", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_22", "Michigan", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_23", "Minnesota", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_24", "Mississippi", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_25", "Missouri", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_26", "Montana", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_27", "Nebraska", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_28", "Nevada", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_29", "New Hampshire", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_30", "New Jersey", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_31", "New Mexico", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_32", "New York", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_33", "North Carolina", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_34", "North Dakota", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_35", "Ohio", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_36", "Oklahoma", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_37", "Oregon", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_38", "Pennsylvania", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_39", "Rhode Island", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_40", "South Carolina", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_41", "South Dakota", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_42", "Tennessee", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_43", "Texas", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_44", "Utah", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_45", "Vermont", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_46", "Virginia", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_47", "Washington", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_48", "West Virginia", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_49", "Wisconsin", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1_50", "Wyoming", "#"));

                                            case 2:

                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_1", "Ontario", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_2", "Quebec", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_3", "Nova Scotia", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_4", "New Brunswick", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_5", "Manitoba", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_6", "British Columbia", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_7", "Prince Edward Island", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_8", "Saskatchewan", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_9", "Alberta", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_10", "Newfoundland and Labrador", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_11", "Northwest Territories", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_12", "Yukon", "#"));
                                                results.Add(new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject("TREE1_1_13", "Nunavut", "#"));






            JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            return ser.Serialize(results);


    internal class AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject

        private AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectAttribute _attr = new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectAttribute();
        private string _state = string.Empty;
        private string _icon = string.Empty;
        private string _metadata = string.Empty;
        private AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectDataLinkAttribute _data = new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectDataLinkAttribute();

        private AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject[] _children;

        public AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectAttribute attr
            get { return _attr; }

        public AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectDataLinkAttribute data
            get { return _data; }

        public string state
            get { return _state; }
            set { _state = value; }

        public string icon
            get { return _icon; }
            set { _icon = value; }

        public string metadata
            get { return _metadata; }
            set { _metadata = value; }

        public AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject[] children
            get { return _children; }
            set { _children = value; }

        public AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject()

        public AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject(string id, string title, string href)
            : this(id, title, href, false)

        public AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject(string id, string title, string href, bool hasChildren)
            //li values
            this.attr.id = id;
            this.attr.title = title;
            //a values
            this.data.attr.href = href;
            this.data.attr.id = "a"   this.attr.id;
            this.data.title = this.attr.title;

            if (hasChildren)
                this.state = "closed";


        public AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject(string id, string title, string href, AjaxTreeNodeJsonObject[] children)
            //li values
            this.attr.id = id;
            this.attr.title = title;
            //a values
            this.data.attr.href = href;
            this.data.attr.id = "a"   this.attr.id;
            this.data.title = this.attr.title;

            if (children != null amp;amp; children.Length > 0)
                this.state = "closed";
                this.children = children;



    internal class AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectAttribute
        private string _id = string.Empty;

        private string _title = string.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the Id value
        /// </summary>
        public string id
            get { return this._id; }
            set { this._id = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the Title value
        /// </summary>
        public string title
            get { return this._title; }
            set { this._title = value; }


    internal class AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectDataLinkAttribute

        private string _title = string.Empty;

        private AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectLinkAttribute _attr = new AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectLinkAttribute();
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the Title value
        /// </summary>
        public string title
            get { return this._title; }
            set { this._title = value; }

        public AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectLinkAttribute attr
            get { return _attr; }
            set { _attr = value; }


    internal class AjaxTreeNodeJsonObjectLinkAttribute
        private string _id = string.Empty;
        private string _href = string.Empty;

        private string _target = string.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the Id value
        /// </summary>
        public string id
            get { return this._id; }
            set { this._id = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the Href value
        /// </summary>
        public string href
            get { return this._href; }
            set { this._href = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the Target value
        /// </summary>
        public string target
            get { return this._target; }
            set { this._target = value; }




Ответ №1:

удалите эту строку

  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",